Blinding Light

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Steven fought hard to keep his eyes open as he hung upside down. He noticed his friend Lars was running towards the vehicle 

"Oh my god Steven! Don't worry, I'll get you out of here." He crawled under the car and undid Steven's seatbelt. He then proceeded to grab Steven by the arms and pull him out. At this point, Lars didn't care about getting blood all over him. He just wanted his friend and brother safe. Steven's jacket had red stains all over it. And sadly it won't wash out. As Lars pulled the injured boy out of the car, whimpered moans escaped from Steven's mouth. Of course that only made it harder to stay awake

"I know it hurts man, but you'll be okay. I promise." Lars put Steven's head in his lap once he got him out. Lars pulled out his phone and called the paramedics. This entire time, Steven had a loud ringing in his ears. He barely heard anything Lars was saying but he knew he was trying to help

As Lars was talking to the 911 operator, Steven weakly put a hand on his chest and smiled. He was about to succumb to sleep until Lars gently hit his face to regain his attention. "Hang on Steven. You gotta stay awake for me, okay?"

Lars was gonna call Steven's family but he didn't have any of their numbers saved in his phone. That is until he franticly searched Steven's jacket pockets for his phone. There was a huge sense of relief when Lars finally found it. He quickly scrolled through the contacts and clicked the first name he recognized. Pearl

Back at the temple, Pearl felt her phone ringing inside her gem. When she looked, the screen read Steven. She suddenly felt very confused and worried. She hoped everything was alright. "Hello, Steven?" What she ended up finding was not pleasant 

"No, this is his friend Lars. Steven got into a car accident. I've already called 911. He should be on his way to the hospital soon."

All at once, Pearl's life came crashing down. She couldn't believe it. It didn't even feel real. Tears quickly formed and streamed down her face. "No. It can't be."

Lars started crying too. "I'm so sorry." Both were silently crying on the phone. Once Pearl composed herself, she went to tell the other gems and Greg

2 minutes later the ambulance showed up. Lars cradled Steven's head and tried to keep him awake. The paramedics came out and layed Steven on a gurney. They strapped him down and quickly wheeled him in the back. They allowed Lars to ride back to the hospital with them

As they were driving, the EMTs in the back prepped a bunch of equipment to put on Steven. They placed an oxygen mask on his face and gave him an IV. They tried their best to pump him with fluids and reduce blood loss. All Lars could do was watch

He carefully placed a hand on Steven's head and petted his hair. Steven looked at him, life draining from his eyes. Steven's vision was incredibly hazy, darkness slowly came closer and closer. He was tired of fighting. He wanted to give in and embrace the darkness. Just for a little while

"Everything will be okay Steven. You can rest now." Steven slowly closed his eyes and began to relax. The last thing he saw was Lars looking down at him with a teary smile. Now that Steven wasn't looking, Lars pulled his legs up on the bench, buried his face, and proceeded to sob into them. He didn't want Steven to witness this one moment of weakness 

All he could do was pray that he would still be alive. After all, Steven is a survivor. And surprisingly enough, the gems met them outside the hospital. Alongside Greg

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