4: Harper

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"Each person you meet influences your mental universe in a way that has the potential to make a substantial impact upon the causality of the intellectual development of an entire species." - Abhijit Naskar, world-celebrated Indian neuroscientist

A principal has the four main responsibilities: developing and implementing school programs, hiring and evaluating teachers, leading teachers, staff, and students, and handling student discipline. It's their job - it is not a bother to them when you go to them for help. In my experience with this, however, I was put in a room with my bullies and told to talk it out. Needless to say we did not talk it out, we both got lectures despite me not doing anything wrong, and we went out separate ways. For Maggie, though, I want to do something. I can't have her going through high school bullies and afraid,  and the worst that can happen is nothing changes and she continues to be harassed, however there's a chance that her harassers will stop and she can move on with her life.

"You can mention my name to the principal," Maggie tells me. We just got on the bus, some kids are sleeping, the bus driver is ignoring the kid behind us is vaping, and I swear there's mould growing out of our assigned seat. I suppose her mind changed overnight and she's come to her senses about whoever this Malakai kid is.

"Are you sure?" I ask, not really caring about her answer. I would have told someone either way.

"I'm positive," she nods. I hope this isn't just a moment of courageous victory that ends with a cowardice death.


I told the principal about Malakai. He said he would talk to him about it. If the kid gets off with a warning I'll be pissed. There should be harsher punishments for those who bully and it's ridiculous that schools only warn them not to do it again or try speaking to both them and the victim as if it's their fault for anyone but the asshole who started it.

"I shouldn't have left last night," Dallas found me at my locker. He won't leave me alone between classes. His cousin doesn't want to be shown around. "I'm sorry."

"I told you it was fine," I sigh. He's been saying this all day, following me around, and just genuinely being annoying.

"I'm not going to say yes to Stella," he says.

"Okay," it's his decision but it's a dumb one. Stella is kind, pretty, and got accepted into a science of human kinetics program, which will pay well once she gets a job. If they have children they'll most likely have her caramel skin and his curly hair - they'd be gorgeous. Maybe they are a bit young, but he'd be set for life with her, especially since he plans on taking English literature.

Not to drag on anybody taking English literature in university but the likelihood of getting a well-paying job related to such a degree isn't high.

"You're not going to ask why?" His brows crease.

"It's none of my business," I state. Of course, I want to know why, but seeing as he doesn't know that I can hear bugs talk to me then I don't have to know why he won't marry Stella.

"We used to tell each other everything," he frowns.

"You don't know everything about me so I don't need to know everything about you," I explain. "Simple as that."

"I know everything about you," that statement is almost laughable.

"No, you don't," I remind him. "It's okay that you don't."

"What aren't you telling me?" He sounds mad. I don't know why.

"Why do you care?" I ask. We haven't told each other everything in years and he knows it. He's not innocent.

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