Chapter 19: Anxiety Attack

Start from the beginning

Evie: Yeah, I guess they would be cute together even though I used to like Harry. I don't know why I even like him in the first place. I guess that I only like him because of his Scottish accent.

Me: I still can't believe you had a crush on Harry when we were on the Isle and you never told any of us.

Evie: Well, I still can't believe you have been in love with me for years and didn't even show me any signs that you like me.

Me: Carlos was the only person that knew that I like you. I never told anyone else about me having a crush on you because I was scared that you would reject me.

Evie: I had no idea you felt this way Jay.

Me: What exactly happen between you and Harry back on the Isle that you didn't tell me, Carlos or Mal about?

Evie: I had a crush on Harry for a while but, then I realized that he would never ever like me back, because he was obviously so in love with Uma to even know I existed.


      Evie's POV

Ben: Hey Evie, are you okay?

Me: No, I'm not okay. I'm scared Ben that your ex-girlfriend that hates one of my Best Friend so much and will do anything to get Mal in trouble so, she will be sent back to the Isle. I don't want Mal to be sent back to the Isle because the four of us have never been separated from each other. The four of us have been friends with each other since we were children. The Isle is not safe it's a very dangerous place where some Villains abused their children all the time. The four of us are practically like the closest thing we have to a real family except for Mal and Carlos who are madly in love with each other. I don't want Mal to be separated from her boyfriend who she has known his whole life. Love is forbidden on the Isle because Villain relationships normally don't work out this is the first time in their life, they can finally be together. I just want to see Carlos and Mal have their own happy ending and never be separated from each other.

Ben: I'll try my best to convince Fairy Godmother to not expelled Mal.

Me: Thank you Ben you're the best.

Ben: I try to be.


     Mal's POV

Audrey: Oh, hey Headmaster Goodwin.

    When I walked into Headmaster Goodwin's office I see Headmaster Goodwin sitting down at her desk that has a plague right in front of her that says "Headmaster Faith Goodwin". I had no idea that Fairy Godmother's real name is Faith. I guess it makes sense that her real name's Faith because Disney Fairies like to say "Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust".

Fairy Godmother: What is it Audrey?

Audrey: I just wanted to tell you that Mal is nothing but, a monster just like her mother. Today in Life Skills without Magic she purposely pricked my finger with a needle because she wanted to put a Sleeping Curse on me just like what her mother did to my mother.

Fairy Godmother: Is it true Mal that you stab Audrey with a needle?

Me: Yes, it's true that I stab Audrey with a needle but, it was accident I swear. I didn't mean to hurt Audrey with a needle.

Audrey: Don't listen to her Headmaster Goodwin because Mal is lying about it all being an accident. She did it on purpose because she wanted to hurt me this is why Ben should of never invited the VKs in the first place who have been nothing but, trouble since they arrived.

Fairy Godmother: Well Mal, I'm afraid that I will have to expelled you for stabbing Audrey with a needle. Auradon Prep has strict rules about not hurting other students with sharp objects or else they would get expelled for doing so. Well since you broke the rules Mal, I'm going have to expelled you and send you back to the Isle.

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