Chapter 19: Anxiety Attack

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          Monday September 14, 2015

                      Mal's POV

    I'm sitting in my assign seat next to Audrey in Life Skills without Magic which is taught by Merryweather. Today Merryweather is teaching the whole class how to sew she gave everyone a piece of blue fabric because her favorite color is blue and she only wants us to use blue fabric. Audrey starts throwing a fit because she would rather have pink fabric instead of blue fabric. I put a piece of white thread through a needle and start sewing. Then I accidentally stab Audrey with a needle when I was sewing because she was sitting next to me. Audrey started freaking out all because I accidentally stab her with a needle when I didn't mean to stab her with a needle when I was trying to sew. All the needle did was hit her skin by giving a little prick on her finger causing Audrey's finger to bleed a little bit.

Audrey: I always knew that you are just as evil as your mother and you stabbing me with a needle just proves that you were trying to put me under a Sleeping curse. Look Mal, I know that you are still new here but, you should know better than to stab me with a needle when my biggest fear is needles.

Me: Look Audrey, I'm sorry I accidentally stab you with a needle. I didn't mean to hurt you and I had no idea that you are afraid of needles.

   I can feel all the anger bottled up inside me that was about ready to explode. I felt like I was going to explode and turned into a monster. Carlos knew that something was wrong so, he came over to my hold hand to help calm me down. Then Evie came over to stand next to me holding my other hand. Jay was standing in front of me trying to protect me from Audrey coming to hurt me all because I accidentally stab her with a needle.

Carlos: Mal, don't do this. Just stay strong and don't let Audrey get to you.

Me: Look Audrey I'm so sick of you being so mean to me when I'm trying to be a better person.

Merryweather: Princess Audrey Rose Beauty and Mal Faery get out of my classroom and go to Headmaster Goodwin's office. I am so sick of you two girls fighting. I don't tolerate fighting in my classroom.

   Then both me and Audrey head down to Headmaster Goodwin's office. Then Ben, Carlos, Evie rand Jay all followed after me to make sure I'm okay. When I arrived to Headmaster Goodwin's office, I sat down out in the waiting room. Carlos sat down next to me trying calm me down.

Carlos: Maleficent Bertha Faery, please just take some deep breaths everything is going to be okay because I'm always here for you.

Me: Carlos Oscar De Vil, I told you to never call me by my full name.


             Jay's POV

   I sat down next to Evie who was sitting down next to Ben. Both Carlos and Mal were sitting across the room sitting down next to each other. Carlos was trying to calm Mal down by holding her hand and telling her everything is okay. I don't understand how those two are pretending to be couple when they both clearly have feelings for each other but, they are both two scared to admit it. I just wished those two would get their crap together and just finally admitted to each other that they both have strong feelings for each other. I think those two would make a cute couple.

Evie: I have never seen two Villain Kids so in love with each other as much Mal and Carlos love each other.

Me: Yeah, I agree with you.

Evie: Both Mal and Carlos have the most beautiful Villain Kid Love Story I have ever seen.

Me: What about Harry and Uma? Those two would be really cute together and they have a cute love story of how a First Mate fell in love with his Captain.

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