Talking to Donnie

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"Remember everything the two of you say is between us, as always Leo and Raph will never know about our conversations." Twice a week we talk to Donnie about what we went through and how were feeling, he keeps notes and records of our daily health and mental health. "Are the two of you comfortable being around four giant male teen turtles?" Oscar nod "yea we know you guys won't hurt us..." he cuts him off "what about Leo and Raph? Do the two of you feel safe around them?" I play with my fingers "why do you hesitate to answer that question? Leo is family as well what makes him different?" I blush "I like him a lot but... I'm scared, he probably sees me differently and doesn't want me or he would just use me like Hun did." He closes the journal setting his pen down "Blue as your therapist, friend and brother, Leo won't see you differently. He cares about you a lot, Leo would never use you, he can be a bit rough at times but trust me Leo use action more than words. His actions can sometimes be misunderstood and hard to understand at times. Tell me about how you feel with the new living arrangement. Oscar, do you feel the same way?" He shrugs. "Kind of, as along as they're not showing any aggression I'm ok with the arrangement." The boys have us living down here until everything cools down with the foot and purple dragons looking for us. "I'm ok with it, I gotten used to it already so it's not a big deal as long as I get to see you guys and April." He nods. "Blue, Oscar we're going to get graphic, tell me in great detail what Hun did to the both of you?" I start to cry. "Blue we have to talk about this more" I shake my head. "Blue we've been doing sessions for the past few weeks and we still haven't gotten to the core problem. We only talked about the easy parts, you too Oscar." I stay quiet not answering anymore questions. He sighs getting up. "We can try again tomorrow and if that doesn't work maybe talk to Leo about it? Oscar, you need to talk to Raph. That would probably be easier for the both of you." I shake my head "n-no, I can't talk to him about it he will just get angry."  He push up his glasses "are you afraid of Leo?" I don't answer "why are you avoiding the question?" I tear up biting my bottom lip. Oscar grabs my hand squeezing it. "I guess I will be answering that question for you and you can tell me if my right. when he first came to rescue you, you went straight into his arms but, before you did you saw a side to Leo you haven't seen before. He almost killed Hun and now you're scared of him. Am I right?" The door opens to the lab causing me to jump. I turn around and see Leo. "Sorry to interrupt I just came in to see how they were doing?" Leo rest a hand on my shoulder. I quickly swat his hand away on instinct "Blue?" I cover my face tears falling and my breathing quickens Oscar holds me in his arms. I can feel him slightly as well. "I'm sorry...I- I..." Leo smiles "it's ok Blue you're still recovering." I get up "can we do this tomorrow?" Donnie looks at the both of us "uhm...sure I guess but...are you sure the two of you don't want to talk to Leo or Raph? He's here now, maybe he can come to the next session?" I shake my head. "Talk to me about what? Blue what's wrong? What did you want to tell me? Oscar?" Oscar looks away and I shake my head. "It's nothing." Oscar and I get up ready to leave when Leo grabs my arm. "Leo, let go!" Donnie gets out his seat. "Leo, stop you're being too aggressive, Leo they're scared!" Donnie blurts out the last part and I glare at him. "Sorry Blue but, it's true, you and Oscar are scared of him and Raph, and its ok to be scared." Leo let's go of me. "But I'm not ok with it" Leo sounds heartbroken, I feel bad for hurting his feelings. "I'm sorry Leo it's just when I saw you so angry and was getting ready to kill him, it scared me. I never seen you that angry before." I gently touch his arm. "Of course I was angry he was about to rape you." Donnie jumps in. "And the other reason you were willing to kill him is because..." Donnie says trailing off with his sentence. Leo seems to know what he's talking about but he seems to be embarrassed to say. "Because you're my friend and my friends cousin, plus it's not right, you know?" Donnie facepalms groaning. "This is ridiculous, sometimes I hate being the only smart one in this family of mine. Alright listen you two, I'm going to give you guys a little homework some of it will be fun and some not so much. The both of you will share the same room together and talk about how you feel daily ask each other questions it can be personal and some not so personal. Leo you need to stop being stubborn with your feelings, Blue don't be afraid to tell him what's on your mind like you used to do. Also Leo try asking her more personal questions and she doesn't have a choice but to answer them, the both of you are stubborn and complicated when it comes to your emotions and feelings towards each other. It is very painful to watch. Oscar your assignment with Raph is the same even though the two of you are together." Donnie says after closing his journal. "What is that?" Donnie looks at Leo "wh-what? oh! you mean this? well its a journal." Leo rolls his eyes I know it's a journal Donnie, what is in the journal?" Donnie holds the journal close it's nothing important I swear it's just some random notes on some new ideas I have for the team." He lies, Leo just hums then pats my head "also your assignment starts today" the three of us look at Donnie. "How long will this?" He shrugs "as long as it needs, it depends on all of you. You can also do this together, the four of you and this will take however long you guys want to keep this up. Just be honest with each other easy, right?" Leo sneers "right."

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