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"I have marshmallows! Who's ready for s'mores and roasted marshmallows!" April sits next to me "you and Leo haven't talked for a while?" I shrug "I don't care, he doesn't care about me and I don't care about him" Leo looks at me but I ignore him. "Wow the tension between you two is intense!" Leo glances at me again then back at his sword that he's cleaning. "I'm going to the lake" I get up. "Not alone you're not." the camp goes quiet then Oscar stands. "I will go with her." Raph gets up as well. "The two of ya are not going out there alone." "I suggest Blue and Leo should walk together. She will need protection" Splinter says. "I don't need him to protect me." Leo puts his sword away "hear that dad she doesn't need me, her words not mine. I'm pretty sure the little fox will be just fine on her own." "It's a beautiful, peaceful, relaxing night my son this walk will help clear the both of your minds." Leo stretches "dad I'm not going to walk with someone who doesn't want me around."
Leo and I ended up going into the woods alone "I don't need an escort" I snap "well it's not like I had a choice now did I?" I roll my eyes walking passed him "where do you think you're going?" He grabs my wrist "why do you care? It's not like you want to watch me anyway!" His grip tightens "because you're my responsibility and my sensei wants you to be safe!" I pull away. "You don't even care if I'm safe or not?" He groans. "Why are you being so complicated right now!?" I turn around pointing at his chest, my index finger pressing against his plastron "look who's talking! You're the complicated one!" I move the branch out my way and let go smacking Leo in the face "you did that on purpose!" I smile to myself knowing that pissed him off. I trip falling into a ditch causing him to laugh "karma is a bitch" his smile fades when he sees I didn't get up yet "what's wrong? Are you hurt?" He quickly slides down carefully to get to me. "Let me see" he gently grabs my ankle "ow, ow, ow, Leo that hurts!" He rubs my ankle soothingly "I know, I'm sorry" he says calmly. I blush as he massages it "you only sprang it but, we should sit here until it heals." He rest my ankle on his leg massaging it "I don't understand you" he stops an looks at me. "What do you mean?" He goes back to doing what he was doing. "First you're protective of me and get territorial then you end up becoming an ass. What did I do to you?" He slightly smiles then it goes away "I'm a monster, a freak and're...forget it." He lets go of my ankle and gets up "Leo? Leo no don't do that you were about to..." he cuts me off "ABOUT TO WHAT! HUH?! YOU THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO OPEN UP TO YOU?!" Why is he getting angry with me? "STOP YELLING AT ME I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG LEO! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS PISSED OFF WITH ME? FIRST YOU LEAVE BITE MARKS ALL OVER MY BODY SAYING THAT YOU CARE THEN THE NEXT YOU DON'T THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN IM INVISIBLE! YOU ARE SUCH AN ASSHOLE TO ME I HATE YOU FOR IT!" I start crying "Blue I..." I move his hand out the way "don't touch me you jerk, the marks and kisses you gave me all over my body that night, I can still feel it. I never told you that what you did to me actually hurt. The one my neck never went away. I continue to cry then I run off not realizing I'm running on all fours and my ankle no longer hurts. I ignore his calls for me and continue to run, I don't want him to see how vulnerable I am. I hate crying in front of him, I slowly stop running and realized how lost I am. "Interesting but, where is your other half, Yin?" I growl. A women sits on a tree she's a bit older than me. She jumps off the tree landing in front of me "where is your other half?" Miko? "Miko, just take that one and let's move one. We can find the other one later." Miko turns to Abby. "No, we need both in order for this to work." Run from them as fast as possible calling out for Leo. So I can talk in this form. "LEO!!" I continue to scream I stop at a dead end. A few ninjas land in front of me, stalking towards me with their weapons. "No we can't kill it you idiots we have to capture it." Leo jumps out in front of me his weapons in hand "get away from her!" I never seen him this angry before. "Blue stay behind me, why would you run off like that!" He picks me up and starts running "I'm sorry." I slowly back to human hiding my face in his chest. "What do they want with you?" He sets me down behind a giant rock. "I can't believe it, I thought Miko and Abby moved." he looks at me surprised "Miko and Abby?!" I nod my head slowly "they said they need my other half in order for something to work. What does that mean? They won't hurt me apparently." I blush at my naked body pressed against his body. "Are you ok?" I nod my head. "Good." He thumps me on the head. "OW!" I rub my head. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING BLUE!?" I shove him "I WAS THINKING OF GETTING AWAY FROM YOU!" He walks towards me then stops. "Leo?" He falls face first. "Blue! You're Yin? Then if you're Yin who's Yang?" A white fox that looked just like my fox except the opposite stands in front of me growling. I know exactly who it is. "Oh, there you are." She pulls out a stun gun. "Makes sense, the two of you will always find each other, no matter what." Raph and Mikey stand in front of us weapons out and Ready. "Oscar we are going ta have a talk about dis later." Mikey looks at Miko in Disbelief. "Miko?" Miko looks at Oscar not phased. "That should have been obvious Oscar was your other half." Mikey holds up his weapons ready to use them. "Miko, please, don't make me hurt you." She laughs. "That's funny, I was just thinking the same thing." She frowns. "Get them." "Mikey, grab Oscar and Blue I got Leo. Mikey? Mikey!" Mikey groans "they're fast." He falls in front of us. Raph begins to fight them off instead of grabbing Leo. "Blue, shift and run, get back ta camp." I shift into my black fox and follow Oscar. I hear Raph's scream. "Oscar, if we run back to camp we will be putting them in danger as well." Oscar looks over where Raph screams came from. "What do we do?" I yelp when I feel something prick me, the same with Oscar. "Oscar stay awake, we have to stay awake. Miko steps on my tail making me wince. "Have a good nap."

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