Dear roommate 09 Bad to better

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Don keeps himself busy in Meryl's room. Well, guess what he brought home. A perfect little baby kitten.
Meryl enter the apartment and kick the door shut after her. She place her hand terrified on her chest and throw her bag down.
She remain quiet, instead she put her hands on her face to stop herself from crying. Her silence is what brought him out of her room. He give her an odd look and walk with his crippled foot to her.
"I'm sorry," she immediately say and take a deep breath in letting her hands down.
"No, what happened?" he ask worried and grab her hands. "Talk to me please."
"I couldn't get a taxi so I decided to walk and then these jerks started following me in their car. I had to run," she cry. "I was so scared."
"Oh my gosh," he grab her into his arms. "Are they still out here?"
"I kind of lost them when I took the alley right around the corner," she reply. He look at her red face.
"For the first time I like that alley," he mutter. "Not my point. You're never going to walk or ride alone ever again. I'll escort you to work and back everyday of your life."
She take a deep breath in and nod her head.
"Hello by the way," he add. She burst out laughing and put her arms around him.
"Hello," she greet and look at him giving him a kiss. "How was your day?"
"Was okay, until I heard about those guys just now, but better to see your face now," he smile at her. She giggle softly and pull away from him.
They both froze when they heard the little noise in her room. She give him an odd look and run to her room. She gasp when she saw the pretty wool ball on her bed.
"Oh my gosh!" she squeaked. "My squeaky toy!"
Don laugh and walk into the room watching her take a seat scooping the kitten into her arms.
"Oh thank you Don," she thank and kiss the little kitten's head that tried to escape from her embrace. She lift the kitten up and smile. "It's a girl! What shall we name her?"
Don pull this shoulders up and fold his arms.
" that sounds like an insect," she mutter and put the kitten down. "Mickey...hell no. This ain't no mouse."
"What about Bonnie?" Don ask and take a seat next to her. "She has perfect paws, a lot of fur and is cute."
"Number one," Meryl put her finger up. "I'm jealous for you mentioning another girl being cute. Number two, how is she perfect? Three, why am I numbering?"
"You are the most perfect and cutest girl," Don say to her. She giggle and look down then back at him.
"Bonnie it is," she nod.

It's a little late and cold. Don enter Meryl's room. She's asleep with the kitten in her arms. He smile softly and open her bed. He pick her up and lay her in the bed. He put the kitten in her arms and pull the blanket over her shoulders.
She mutter something and shake her head.
"No," she moan and start to breath heavily. "No!"
"Meryl," he touch her shoulder. She give a fright and open her eyes. "Sweetheart, you just had a nightmare."
"Don," she touch his face relieved. "Don't leave me please. Never leave me."
"I won't. I promise," he whisper and kiss her lips softly. She move up and show him to lay down. He switch off the light and lay down next to her. Don put her in his arms and kiss her hair. She move in comfortably in his arms lookin at the kitten that went back to sleep.
"Don, do you think we're moving too soon into something big?" she ask in the clear silence of the night.
"No," he reply and run his hands over her soft hair. "Of course not."
"I just feel guilty," she whisper. "For moving on too fast after John's death. I mean, I really fell deep in love with you, but what about him?"
"He is right here," Don whisper and lean over looking at her showing to her heart. "I'll share that little space you have left in your heart with him. He'll always be part of you, I know."
"Oh Don," she give him a kiss touching his face. He lay down and close his eyes as they finally drift off into a peaceful night rest.

Sorry for not updating for a while. I have to rewrite all the chapter I wrote ahead since my phone broke and all the stories I ever wrote is stored on it.

I have good news to Meryl Streep fans.
Should I call it good news?
Hopefully this quarantine situation will give me time finishing all my stories soon.

I have two new Fanfictions!

Lovers wears prada
The title says is all. Well, don't read it if you're against lesbian romance. It's just my own little sequel of The devil wears prada.

Its two complicated
Oh yes it is! Also a sequel to It's complicated. Jane and Jake becoming parents again!!! Yhay!

Also I'm considering writing another fanfiction on Pierce Brosnan and Meryl Streep on returning for the second Mamma Mia film reconnecting all over again. I really love both of their marriages and respect it. That's why its straightforward Fanfiction. Is anyone up to it?
Please let me know.

Thanks for being patient though!


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