Dear roommate 08 their first time

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After an exhausting day both came home late. Meryl laid in her bed when Don came in.

"Meryl? You home?" He called out taking off his jacket.

"Yeah!" She replied. He gave her a smile and stop in the doorway not going any further. "Hi."

"Hi." He greeted her back taking a seat at her feet. "How was your day?"

"Exhausting. Can you believe it? I have to pretend to be a lesbian." She said giving him an odd look that took off her shoes.

"If that's hard, imagine how I must feel pretending to be calm around you." He chuckled starting to massage her feet for her.

"Poor you." She giggled relaxing.

"Yep, poor me." He agreed looking at her at also looked at him with a devilish smile.

"Is it just me or are you being super romantic?" She asked with a smile sitting up straight.

"Am I?" He laughed looking at her that went on her knees doing a creepy crowly to him. "Usually it starts with dinner and ends with sex."

"I thought so too." She giggled touching his shoulders as soon as se arrived him. "But seems to me we're skipping right to the end."

"Are we?" He asked with a big smile turning his full body to her.

"You want to?" She asked in a whisper moving her hands to his waists.

"Do you?" He asked in a whisper putting his one hand on the bed and other hand around her waist.

"Only if you ask me again to marry you." She replied back in a whisper running her hands to his shoulders.

"I'll ask you." He whispered putting his lips softly on hers. They both froze getting lost in their kisses starting to make out.

She sit back spreading her legs out. He lean forward separating from her lips looking down at her that laid back putting her arms above her head laying more comfortable. He lay down between her legs touching her body filled with desire. Unlike some men, Don knows how to make a lady feel needed. Usually the men would get right into it and start having sex but not Don. Not that it takes a while for him to actually want someone but because of the respect he has for women. He doesn't just want to make her feel sexually. He wants her to feel like a goddess. He wants her to feel that it's her he wants, not just her body.

"I love you." She whispered in his ear wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I love you the most." He whispered back and kiss her on the mouth again running his hands over her thighs lifting up her short dress. She immediately ran out of breath when he forced himself carefully into her.

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