Dear roommate 02 New apartment

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Meryl sat in Don's room packing her clothes in an empty closet just mindig herself while the quiet man was packing for his closet.

"You'll be alright on your own, right?" Don made sure folding up his clothes before putting it in his suitcase.

"I won't burn down the place, trust me." Meryl said softly and look at him that was busy picking clothes from his wardrobe. Her eyes took a good scan over his legs, butt, back, neck and head.

"I know." Don smiled looking at her that immediately looked away awkwardly.

"So, how long will you be gone?" Meryl asked moving to her wardrobe to put her clothes in.

"Probably a couple of months." He replied giving her a sweet smile when she looked over at him with that soft look on her face. "Is it...alright if we stay in touch by writing letters?"

"Of course." She nod her head up and down continuing to pack. "Will you write first? Just so that...I'll know you arrived safe and how everything is going."

"Of course. But to every letter, you have to reply." He gave her that warning look. She gave him a sweet smile nodding her head with lots of tears in her eyes. "Meryl?"

"No. I'm okay." She stop him from approaching her. It's better if he doesn't touch her. She doesn't want to get her hopes up if this won't end well. Plus, she's saying goodbye now. Besides that, she just stay there for a while. She won't live there forever. "I just...I'll be right back."

She walk out to the bathroom closing the door starting to cry. Don look down at his clothes also getting tears in her eyes. A moment for herself would do her good.

"I'm sorry for not being able to say goodbye to your sister. She went out and I didn't had the time to speak to her again." Don apologised to Third that stood infront of him outside at the taxi.

"Don't worry about her. She'll be fine." Third assured touching his shoulder like only a true friend would. "Don, my sister is grieving. Soon enough she'll start to wonder and if you're going to be part of her wonders, I need you to get clean with her. Don't give her false hope. I have never seen her blush after John's death. And I also have never heard you talking so much. You two both made a change in each other's life in a certain way. Don't throw it down the drain."

"I know." Don nodded his head up and down. "I never knew I'd let a woman in my house, life or heart after Sigourney. But I did. It feels great actually. Although, it's early and I'm still a bit unsure, I know we'll get along better than Sigourney and I did."

"Sure my friend. I'll see you soon, alright?" Third gave Don a friendly hug waving goodbye at him.

"Wait!" Meryl run up to Third. She stop and look at the taxi that drove on. "I didn't say goodbye."

"Don't worry. He understand." Third smiled at his sister that stood forward waving Don goodbye when he looked back. Before they went around the corner he jumped to his knee on the seat giving this beautiful angel a last look.

"Will you be alright?" Third asked walking with her into the apartment.

"Yeah. Nothing's worst than almost being attacked by your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend." Meryl said with tears in her eyes taking a seat at the table looking around. "Did Don decide all of these?"

"Yes, he did." Third replied looking around taking a seat in front of his sister touching her hand. "How are you really feeling?"

"I'm still grieving but...I'll be fine." Meryl replied and took out her sketchbook from her bag. "I'm still drawing pictures of him. I just... I just want to see him again."

Harry stood up and pulled his sister into his embrace when she started crying.

"I want him to hold me. I want to feel his breath, smell his clothes, feel his touch, see his face and hear his voice." She cried holding her brother tight breaking down even more. "Why him? For a moment he mine and then the next he was gone. Why should life be so unfair?"

"Oh Meryl, I wish I could make the pain go away. Really, I do." Third comforted her about to cry with his older sister that was little smaller than him and like his second mother. "You'll get through this, okay?"

"I don't know if I can do that." She cried looking up at him.

"Sis, don't do it for anyone. Do it for John. Live for him. And when things get tough, think of how you met Don." She look horrified up at him when he mentioned Don. "I've seen you blush. Besides that, Don is actually a quiet man. He just...wanted to have a reason to talk to you. I've never heard him talk so much."

"Really?" She asked giving him a soft look drying up her tears.

"Yeah. He told me that he never thought he'd ever let a woman into his place again because they always end up leaving. But he had let you in. If you leave, I think his world will crush down further." Third told her that pulled in her lips turning bright red again.

Dear roommate /ON HOLDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя