CHAPTER~19~ (Escape pt2)

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I felt a slight headache, it started becoming stronger and stronger every second, the headache left,... So I started walking slowly on every step, At the end of the stairs, I found some liquid droplets on the floor, I got close to it then jumped backwards... It was... B-blood!?

Encre's POV

I felt my stomach twist and the headache came again but it was worse and more painful, I putted my hands over my head trying to remove the pain, my eyes we're filled with tears, I just wanted the headache to stop
I screamed then all the maids just stared at me... And the pain left, I looked around and ignored all the maids around me, I felt awkward and embarrassed.
I walked towards the door when a maid jumped in front of me.
?? :WHERE are you going!?
Encre : uhhhh... Buy some art supplies!?
?? :Oh did lord fallacy want more for lady Encre?
Encre :wha- I mean yeah yeah she wanted more
?? :*sigh* I wish she would be better sooner
Encre :what do you mean... Is she sick!
?? :I guess you are the only one who doesn't know, well the truth is... That she lost her memory and kinda remember some events that didn't even happen before
Encre :w-what!?
?? :yeah I feel bad for her... Okay I guess you should go now... Bye
Encre :... Bye...
I left the castle, wondering why are they saying that, did Fallacy tell them I lost my memory?, but why did be say that... Maybe....maybe he wants to protect me? Yeah... Of course he is, I am so precious for him.
I sighed at the fact that he was acting so strange.... I guess he wants to show everyone that I really lost my memories?... Should I really escape now? What if there were people trying to find me!? They would kill me if they found me... Nah... I will complete my adventure till the end.

I walked for along time, the sun started rising in the sky starting to fill the forest with its warm light, the birds started tweeting on the tree branches, I took a deep breathe of the cold fresh air, it's been so long since last time I smelled this beautiful scent... The scent of the fresh bread, the sound of the children's giggles while running behind each other, finally... I'm back home.

I made sure the cloak was covering my whole face... I took a piece of cloth from the cloak and putted it on my mouth in case the hoodie fell from the breeze, I took a deep Breath once again and began to walk inside the gates, they looked brand new... Guards were everywhere, people didn't seem to talk, the sound that was only heard were the children laughing and giggling, even the adults were shushing them, the village looked way different, I walked around the place while everyone were staring at me and giving me death glares, it kinda scared me but I shrugged it off,
I finally found my house, but it looked different, instead of the colorful wall it was blank white, the doodles I used to draw on the door also disappeared, I kinda felt it wasn't my house but I found the little hole I used to hide the key in, it was shaped in the shape of a star, maybe someone took the house? I looked around to see that guy that was staring at with a suspicious look, he was wearing a red T-shirt, red goggles, leather gloves and was holding a metallic hammer, I decided to go to him and ask him what happened to this house, "Um excuse me... Do you know where is the owners of that house?" "Yeah, she was dead" "O-oh my... Umm do you know what happened to her" "Yeah, she went on a mission to the forbidden forest and didn't come back.... The king sent the Royal guard Azure and Etrena the vampire hunter, they didn't find her but the found some of her... Why are you asking?" "Oh uhhh, I... I... Oh I asked her to make me a portrait, she told me to take a copy of her keys to take my portrait then leave, but I found the house looking different, that's why I asked... Thank you any way" "No problem" He said as he left the area... I walked towards the door, I pulled the keys that I had in my bag pocket, (I took it from the bag before leaving the castle )and entered the house... It was kinda dark, dust filled the place some glass shards were on the floor, I looked around the room that used to be the living room, I felt guilty for not taking care of my house that protected me from mostly everything, I decided to clean the place then take the things I wanted.
I entered the bedroom there was a box on the floor, I walked closer and blew the dust from it, it was a first aid kit box... But what is it doing here on the floor...?, I putted it on the small table in the middle of the room, I took of the cloak and started cleaning the bed room, the living room, the kitchen, the guest room then went back to the bedroom, the house was sparkling, I felt tired but yet happy at the achievement I have done, I took the curtains off and started washing them, I hanged them to let them dry, I went to a drawer and found a box, it was the box of my savings, I was used to save some gold to make sure I don't run out of g, then I took my cloak again to leave the house and buy some food, I went to the baker in the middle of the village, I used to buy bread from him every day, I looked at my pocket to make sure the coins were there, I took some bread then went home again, I just bought some bread only because I am leaving to the castle anyways, after finishing my food, I took of my dress and took another light dress from the cupboard, it was short, it's selves were attached with a fingerless glove, I found some tall Ankle warmers that were pretty light too, I started yawning, I felt sleepy, I opened the window for the fresh air to fill the room " *yawn* I guess the house work and cleaning made me super exhausted, I think I will take a short nap then I would go back, yeah, a small nap won't harm" I thought before pulling the covers and drifting into a dreamless sleep.

Words I used

1137 words

Bye 👋👋

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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