CHAPTER ~6~ (Escape)

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Still Encre's POV

"Miss?, are you awake? "Somebody asked, I looked around to see a bunny maid, I didn't notice that she was talking to me, "Désolé"? (Excuse me?) 

" Oh, you talk French, I don't know how to talk French but I know few words. Comment vous appelez - vous?"(what's your name?)" Je m'appelle Encre. Et toi?"(my name is Encre, and you?) "Je m'appelle Bunny" (My name is Bunny) "Enchanté." (Nice to meet you) "Moi aussi, Mademoiselle Encre" (Nice to meet you too, miss Encre.) 

I stared at her for a little of time but then i started standing up again, but i failed and ended up on the floor "oh my are you okay?" "je ne pense pas que je vais bien" (i don't think i am doing well) I replied, weirdly i understood her language I felt weird, every thing around me was so slow but it didn't take long, i found every thing black.

I opened my eyes again,i found myself in the same room but this time it was kinda the morning, I didn't hear a thing, I tried to stand up but this time i didn't fall, I didn't feel any pain so i walked to the door and tried to open it and i successfully did, I walked down the corridor,nothing was there what if it was a dream? nope it's not, vampires usually sleep in the morning, I went to the same room I was in to find my belongings and leave but I didn't find them, instead i found a note on the table {Dear Encre    yes i know your name and about your things,you won't take them WITHOUT my permission note your stuff are not in the wardrobe ; ) }  whaaaat? i raised an eyebrow and walked to the wardrobe and opened it to find a small box, I opened it to fined another note!?  {I told you it's not in the wardrobe!!! you should try another place...} ugh is he playing hide and seek with me!? why i have a feeling this is not gonna end well!?, I started roaming around the room but then unfortunately I dropped a metallic box on the floor that of course resulted a big bang sound, not only that,I fell on the floor and the chair fell on me, i tried to stand up but my legs were on pain "Are you okay miss Encre?" " oh yes I a- wait WHAT? HOW AM I TALKING ENGLISH NOW!?...oh hey you know where are my things?" " want to leave!?" "yeah, sorry" "I am going to help you but my lord when he wakes up he's going to be so mad" "I don't care, I want to leave" we walked to a room that looked like a storage room or something she entered it and came out with my bag, "Thank you" "you are welcome miss Encre", she showed me the door way, it was Huge,it kinda looked like a castle but i just ran outside as fast as i could "look out miss Encre, it's going to be dark in minutes" "THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP" I yelled back and ran to to the direction of my village of course I have a compass, and thank stars I painted some pic- "ENCRE, COME BACK HERE" somebody yelled and he sounded really pissed of, but i replied without thinking (and that was really stupid from me) "NO,I AM NOT GONNA COME BACK HERE YOU...YOU-" (really stupid) i was shocked to see just in front of me so fast I fell on the ground on a bunch of stones, he was standing there glaring at me "" i realized what i said but it was too late, he was there so mad and angry, looking at me,but all I was concentrating about was his fangs, what if he bit me, what will I do, I tried to run away but he grabbed my wrists so hard, i thought they are gonna crack in his hands "pl...please...l...leave al...alone" "why do you want to leave?" he asked calmly while sitting down beside me, but I didn't answer, I was so scared I started crying but he didn't say anything he stood up and said "If you could go home without my help then I am gonna leave you alone," i looked at him with a determined face and instead of answering I just nodded, He helped me to stand up, spreed his wings and then flew away.

760 words

see ya later 

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


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