Chapter 1

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*2 months ago*

"Yes mom, I'll be alright," I rolled my eyes for what seemed like the millionth time that morning, to absolutely no avail. She refused to ease up on all the fussing. It was getting pretty ridiculous at this point, but I guess mothers are just like that sometimes, especially mine. All I could do I make a quick escape.

"I am sixteen mom, it's just a new school, I am sure that I can handle it." I continued to protest in between hurried morsels of cereal and swatting her hands away from where she was trying to mess with my hair.

"You can grow up as much as you want but you'll always be my baby boy," she cooed.

Judging by the smirk on her face, she was probably doing all of this just to annoy me. It was like that between us most of the time, my mom and I, we were like kids sometimes, maybe because we had had to grow up with each other. I had to smile back in response, too, when she did finally let up and walk around to the fridge, to get on with getting some breakfast for herself.

I jumped out of my chair and went around to put my dishes away. I was late already, and so I had to hurry, getting my things and leaving her with a quick kiss on her cheek before I rushed out.

Only about a month ago we used to live in California. I had been brought up in that place and had spent the last sixteen years of my life there. It was just my mom and me, we were the only family we had, so I guess it was easier to just pack up and leave one day when my mom decided that she needed more peace and quiet in her life, that she needed to slow down.

Of course, the entire thing had unsettled me. I had tried to reason with her for a bit but then gave up. It had been hard to leave my entire life behind, but after the initial move, and over the last couple of weeks, I had just given in to the whole experience. It was all a blur, if I am being completely honest, messy and compacted memories of planning and goodbyes, all very quick, until one day I was just standing in front of a nicely trimmed, freshly painted two-story bungalow in the middle of nowhere.

The new place was a quiet neighborhood, suburban, with a lot of trees and empty streets. The people smiled politely and welcomed us with open arms. It was slow, definitely, a small town. It was my home now.

My new school wasn't too far away. Mom had hooked me up with maps and instructions to get to the place and I was driving through the front gates of the school in no time.

I was nervous about this entire thing, definitely. I had not had much need to make acquaintances in a long time, and people here seemed to be polite, sure, but they were new, and probably not like the people I knew back home. I should have taken moms advice when she told me to go out and make a couple of friends during the little bit of time that we have been here.

The parking lot was almost full by the time I arrived. There were groups of students talking here and there, lounging around their cars. It took a couple of minutes to find a spot, and another couple of minutes to gather my thoughts before stepping out of the car.

I am a pretty average-looking guy. Dirty blond hair, grayish-blue eye. I was tall enough, and I was on the scorer team back home, so I had a pretty decent tan going on for myself, but that was about it. Pretty average, like I was saying, and this was good because I did not feel like an outsider here, I could fit in no problem.

The school seemed like it was a little too big for this town.

On the outside, from my spot, almost near the end of the school ground, I could see that most of the front was a parking lot, but I could see a turf on the other side, surrounded by washed-out bleachers. The school building was three stories, with a long corridor on the ground floor that was mostly open to the parking lot. It was packed with blue doors and blue lockers with some bulletin boards in between.

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