Chapter 16 Red Haired Flirt

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I was jumping on the clouds and enjoying my freedom. The clouds then suddenly turn into those soft mushy cotton candies. I squealed in delight as I flopped down and hugged the sweet candy goodness.

This is heaven, I thought.

I was enjoying my life when suddenly, it started to rain making the cotton candy dissolve. And since I'm floating on one right now...

I started to sprint away from the rain cloud. Wait...a cloud raining on another cloud? That's weird. The thunder started to roar, but instead of the normal BOOM, it decided to call my name.


A lightning suddenly strikes in front of me, making me fall off the ground - er cloud. The rain cloud was approaching me, but I couldn't move. I was frozen to the spot from fear and shock. When I looked up, there was a shadow of a man in front of me. I couldn't decipher the face of the man. Heck, I couldn't even see from the darkness of the rain cloud.

I muffled a scream when the man suddenly reached out to me. To make it more creepier, he was calling my name. "Rose". I started to scream and tried to slap his hands away from me as he shook me back and forth.



My eyes jerked open, only to be met by two green orbs staring at me. I recognize those eyes. Those eyes would only belong to Nate, whose face is currently above mine making me see the red specks in his eyes.

"Well good morning Princess" He said, complete with a smile and all. On reflexes, I screamed and slapped him across the cheek. My palm connected his cheek with a loud smack. My hands throbbed from the impact, which made me sit up and clutch my hand.

"OW!! WHAT THE HECK?!" Both of us screamed.

"Why'd you slap me?" Nate asked while clutching his cheek.

"Cause you startled me!" I snapped at him. One thing to know about me is that I am not a morning person. I grunted as I rubbed my aching palm. "And why do you have such a hard cheek!? What is that made of? Rock?"

At that, Nate's lips twitch in the tinsies smile that he could. "It hurts huh?" he said with pride as if he was amused that slapping him hurts.

I gave him a glare. How dare he smile knowing that he injured my palm. Well technically it's my fault, but hello? He's the one with a hard face!

"Of course it does. Try slapping yourself to see if it hurts or not." I said, not easing my glare at him. He rubbed his chin as if he was thinking about it.

"Nope. Sorry. I'm not gonna damage my face by doing that cause I'm pretty sure that my slap is stronger than you, babe. And besides, your slap hurts too you know." He made a pouty face at me and pointed towards his said cheek. "Now go and kiss it to make it better."

I ignored him as I pulled the sheets over me, ready to take my sleep once again. "What are you doing here, Nate? Can't you see that I was in the middle of my sleep?" I yawned to prove my point, but Nate didn't move away from my bed. He was still sitting on the edge of it. Even though my bed is a queen sized one, I still prefer to have the full space for myself. Call me selfish but that's just me.

"Oh. I'm sorry to disturb your beauty rest. I'm guessing the twins must have exhausted you yesterday?" He asked.

"Tell me about it." I said as I fixed my pillow. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to dreamland since I was RUDELY interrupted earlier." I emphasize on the word 'rudely' just so he could get my point before I gave him one of my sweet-fake smiles. "Bye, Nate." I then covered myself with the covers.

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