Chapter 28 Dogs vs Cats

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In front of me were two muscle builders. Well not really. They have the looks but the scars on their faces made them look....well you know. Like a gangster.

One of them was bald with a few scars on his body and face. He would have been handsome if it weren't for the few missing teeth. I wonder where his teeth are. And beside him is a brunette. He was very muscular. It's like 100% of his body is made out of muscles. He was also full of scars. One of them was connected to his lips making it look like his lips were sewn. Creepy.

They were both grinning at me as they looked at me up and down. I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest.


"So. What's a royal doing here? You're far from home, aren't cha?" Baldy said, still grinning. I suddenly have this urge to count his remaining tooth.

"Um....not really." I said hesitantly.

"Well what are you doing here then?" Brunette asked.

I hesitated. Should I tell them? Well, it can't be all bad. Maybe I should try asking them. After all, beggars can't be choosers, right?

"I'm looking for the Kingdom of Tereau." I said. Both men looked at each other in confusion before shifting their gazes back at me.

"What's a royal from the Kingdom of Thalia having business with the Kingdom of Tereau?"

"That's my business." I said. "But hey, what do you mean by a royal?"

Baldy gave me a surprised look as if I was stupid for not knowing that or something. They must have assumed that I am from their world, which I am not. Mind you.

"Well.....a royal is from a royal family. We just thought that you're a royal because of your dress, even though it's covered in mud." Baldy then pointed at my dress before giving me a look. "You are a royal, right? Or are we mistaken?"

I thought about my option. I mean, I did come - escaped - from the royal family, right? Is being a royal an advantage or a disadvantage for me? I mean, if I say that I am a royal then they might help me, but if I say that I am not, then I might be in some sort of trouble. So I decided to take the first choice.

I held up my chin in confidence as I said, "Yes. I'm a royal. In fact. I'm the niece of queen Elizabeth."

The two then have a creepy grin on their faces as they whispered to each other. "Blah blah blah King Ferius Blah blah blah Promoted whisper whisper."

"Yeah whisper whisper King Ferius be happy whisper blah blah Prince Kellar whisper whisper."

"Um...excuse me?"

Both of them suddenly came into attention and had the widest grin - not to mention creepy - on their faces. "So you are headed to the Kingdom of Tereau, am I correct?" Said brunette guy.


"Then we'll take you there." I looked at baldy who offered and couldn't help but narrow my eyes at them suspiciously.

"No thank you. Just giving me the directions that I needed would be enough."

"Naw. What kind of gentlemen would we be if we leave you without an escort? You're a royal after all." Brunette guy suddenly grabbed my wrist tightly and it made me flinch.

"Hey! Let me go." I tried to pull my hand, but the more I pulled the tighter he held it.

"Come on them, Princess. We shall take you to the Kingdom of Tereau." Baldy then started to come forward.

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