Chapter eight

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Praxton sighs walking over to the door. He was the only one home so when there was a loud knock he had to go open the door. When he pulled open the door he smiles suddenly remembering.

Aanya stepped in smiling slightly. She was nervous really nervous. She had waited for hours yesterday for Praxton to finish swim practice. Confessed she liked him then asked him to pop her cherry no strings attached. She was flattered when he said yes. It must prove she's not completely unfuckable like people claim.

Praxton takes her hand which causes her to break out in butterflies. He knew she was a sophomore because she's in his English class which he had to resit because he failed last year.

She was a decent girl she made him laugh yesterday in class when she was arguing with another nerd. Battle of the nerds. Although aanya wasn't a bad looking nerd. Her denim shorts showed off her long brown legs and the tight T-shirt showed her small but oddly attractive breasts. Her wild black curls made her look cute in a dorky kind of way.

He led her straight to the bedroom. There's not much time to waste as soon as Selena was home they'd have to stop although he had a while because she was doing something with Clara.

Aanya pulled her backpack off resting it by his bedroom door. She was so nervous her palms were sweating. She'd put on a matching underwear set she bought but never wore shaved everywhere this morning she was set but there was something telling her it's to wrong.

What if she took her clothes off and he didn't like her body?.

With a deep breath, she walked over to him not quite looking at him. As she neared him Praxton lowered his hands to her tiny waist.

Aanya's breath hitch's and as she sees him coming closer to kiss her she quickly shoves his shoulders back. Without a word, she grabs her backpack and bolts towards the front door.

Praxtons stares at her confused for a second. She's the one who wanted this she asked him to and then pushed him away out of nowhere?.

"Aanya wait," Praxton calls running after her. She's reaching the bottom of the steps shoving Clara out her way and into a wall in her process of escaping just as Praxton nears the top of the stairs.

Selena shoots her brother an amused look as she walks up the stairs. There's no way she's letting him live this down.

"At leads she decided to have some standards," Selena grins as she brushes past him.

Clara follows Selena she's surprisingly angry. She's not usually this much of a hothead but she's fighting the urge to go and strangle whoever the hell that girl was. It was probably due to the crappy day she had.

Lily was far from Impressed that Clara and Selena become friends. She was even less than impressed with Selena's makeover. Maybe because Selena looked about twenty times better than her.

Selena still managed to keep her invite to Lily's party tonight. Clara never managed to get one, then again she never tried either.

The door slammed shut behind Clara but Praxton never went in something was telling him to go after aanya. Weird considering he doesn't know her and the first time they spoke was yesterday.

"I don't have to go to the party you know," Selena tells Clara grabbing two glasses from the cupboard.

"Yes you do," Clara tells her.

Selena lets out a glad breathe she worked her ass off for the invitation and doesn't really want to miss it. Clara can tell Selena wants to go so she isn't going to hold her back. Clara is just hoping that lily doesn't take claras absence as a chance to do something to Selena.

"ill bring something back for you. what do you want and ill go to the shop?" Selena asks feeling guilty for leaving Clara.

"oh, nothing ill just have an early night," Clara forces a smile and fakes a yawn.

"ok well come help me get ready?"Selena asks handing Clara a cold glass of apple juice.

Clara nods following her. she loves dressing up and dressing other people up. Selena reveals her rows and rows of outfits. it shocks Clara really. the clothes are stunning and there are tons. Clara picks up a deep scoop-necked silk dress. it has a gold chain as straps and finishes midthigh. Clara pairs it with black strappy heels, a gold charm bracelet and a thick gold chain.

"This is going to look great," Selena grins and Clara agrees.

Selena is going to be the best dressed at the party, Clara will be the one to make sure of it. grabbing a hairbrush, hair spray and curling iron. Clara gently pulls the brush through Selena's hair, she feels like a mother and her eye begin to water. she quickly recovers pulling Selena's hair into an elegant bun leaving to pieces to frame her face and curling them tightly. after coating her hair in a thick layer of hair spray she gives her a full glam face of makeup.

once claras done selena stands up and makes her way over to the full length mirror. she smiles at her apperance she looks like she belongs with the populars for once. selena has always wanted to be a part of manhattans elite, her only way in is by dating one of them. tonight she has the oppurtunity and the looks.

"Ok stop eye fucking yourself and go your ubers outside," Clara grins wrapping her arms around Selena.

"I haven't ordered one I'm going by train," Selena laughs walking towards the door anyway.

"Yh right like I'm letting you go by train when you look like that it's on me I use my app now get your ass outside before her charges more," Clara explains.

She pushes Selena out the door who shoots her a wide smile before practically running down the concrete steps. Her heels announce her arrival and she catches the eye of multiple men in the bar. She's dazed from excitement and fails to realise.

"Love you," Selena shouts up at cars before disappearing through the door.

"Love you too," Clara whispers a small smile on her face as she closes the door.

She's alone in a apartment that felt so homey she feels like an outsider.

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