Chapter two

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Clara accends the steps with elegance. Her short royal blue and black plaid skirt swishing around her mid thigh. Her thigh high black boots with medium sized heels clacking announcing her arrival. The three quarter length white shirt she has on fits her perfectly not too tight but not loose either the top few buttons are undone and the stripped tie hangs loosely.

"Oh Clara, you're here,"lily forces a smile on to her lips from the top of the steps whilst Clara just smirks.

She stands elegance radiating off of her as she pushes her blonde waves behind her right ear. Lily frowns obviously noticing that her ex best friend looks like she just stepped off a runway.

"Where else would I be, it's Monday a school day," Clara shrugs noticing a girl she's never seen before timidly standing next to her. She smiles "hi I'm Clarissa Darlington as long as you're not a bitch you can call me Clara,".

Clara almost laughs at the irony of that sentence. Everyone who calls her Clara is a bitch, her mother, her ex best friend, her so called friends. No one reached out to her when she was in London. No one checked on her.

Especially lily she knew how much Clara suffered with herself and didn't even check on her once. She disappeared in the middle of the night and didn't even receive a text to see if she was alive. She ghosted social media and nobody asked questions apart from if she was on drugs or pregnant.

"H-hi I know who you are I'm Selena. I'm only a freshman so you probably dont know me You left before I got here," she rambles nervously before shaking Claras hand "wow I love your nails,".

"Oh thank you I need to get the re done soon," Clara smiles.

Clara knows full well she does them herself. To admit that as an elite however would be shameful.

"London nail technicians are incredible," Selena compliments running her finger across the gems.

This means a lot to Clara deep down she obviously just can't express her gratefulness. Clara steals a glance at Selena's nails black, painted at home. Minimal makeup, her platinum blonde hairs straight but the ends are fried and freshman. She's a wannabe. She's one of the girls that wants to be an elite but isn't an elite so she chooses to 'serve' them instead in hopes of becoming popular. This means she's Lily's power toy. She's the girl lily plays with to prove her power over the school. Disgusting but if Clara said she hadn't done it herself sophomore year she would be lying.

"That they are," Clara smiles, it's a shame she seems like a nice girl.

She would never make it as someone popular her skin isn't thick enough. There is such thing as too nice and Selena is the definition of it.

"OI SELENA GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE," some shouts and Selenas face drops.

She looks like she's physically in pain as her face heats up, she's tomato red. She's down the stairs nearing the road within the blink of an eye and stops at a motor bike talking to whoever's on the bike.

"Ew loser," lily screws her face up "well I have a  boyfriend to make out with. You coming girls," she smiles.

Clara knows the invite didn't include her so she watches as they shout a taunt down to Selena before disappearing into the school. They're worse than freshman year. You're meant to improve, grow up but these girls clearly never.

Sighing Clara glances down at Selena. She's leaning against the bike and burst out laughing. Her laugh looks contagious to Clara. The girls sweet, reminds clara of her sister in a way. How do you break someone's power?. By taking away their proof of power.

Starting down the steps Clara realises the girl she once fought against the world side by side with she's fighting against. The perks are she knows exactly how to break her. Nothing about lily has changed. Where as Clara isn't as easily broken as she once used to be.

Claras skin grew thicker, her insecurities she uses to her advantage where as lily got weaker. Now lily has insecurities worse then ever before Clara noticed that by the way she grabbed her boyfriend.

As Clara stops next to lily the guy on the bike stares at her whilst lily visibly goes tense. Clara smiles sweetly. She looks up at the guy on the bike from under her false lashes. His got dark brown hair that appears almost black it's longer then most boys and messy, cholcate brown eyes crowned by thick black lashes. All Clara can think is this girl sure knows how to pick men.

"I knew you had good taste when you liked my nails but now I know you have excellent taste," Clara winks at Selena who scrunches her face is disgust as Clara takes in the sight.

Black leather jacket, tight black T-shirt, black jeans and white Air Force 1s. A silver chain hangs round his neck.

"That is disgusting," Selena declares "Clara meet Praxton Moon, My brother," she emphasises the word brother.

Selena got this a lot because of her and her brother closeness. Selena was also adopted at a young age meaning she's as white as a ghost and Praxton has his olive skin from Korea. It never failed to disgust the two when someone mistook them for a couple.

Lily had only been about six months old and Praxton was three years old. They know each other as siblings. They are siblings and could never think of being anything more.

"Oh shit sorry," Clara apologises even though the skin colour difference is forming a million questions.

Did one of their parents have an affair?, was it the mom or the dad?, are they close to the cheating parent?, who the child from the affair?, are the original parents still together?, are any of the parents together?, are there other siblings?. Clara shakes her head clearing the thoughts.

"Nice to meet you Clara I'm shocked my sister has friends in this place mostly rich snobs here," he scrunches his nose in disgust and Selena shoots him a warning look "being popular here is about having money,".

"Right nice to hear what you think about me. Me and my fat bank account are going to remove ourselves from this equation. Clarissa Darlington ring a bell?, popular or at least I was that's soon coming back, not exactly broke and a 'elite'," Clara explains before turning on her heel. Before she can walk away Paxton grabs her arm pulling her back.

The girl had a reputation there's no doubt about that. She was known as a wild girl, she brought shame on the Manhattan 'elites'. Then she disappeared. Praxton only knew about this because his younger sister wouldn't shut up. All she wanted was to be in with the elites and all they wanted was a slave. The girl she usually talks about lily had he hand make a bunch of party invitations. Nevertheless  if Selena's happy he isn't going to ruin it for her.

"I'm sorry I never meant it like that just the lily girl, Selena's  always doing something for her an gets nothing in return," he sighs letting go of her wrist regret filling his voice.

Clara seemed like a nice person and she was only human. A elite or not he had judged her harshly.

"Lily changed she's become queen bitch and she's worse then I was. But she will not stay at the top," Clara tells them her voice laced with promise "come by mine tonight we can get our nails done Bellehotel room 101,".

With that Clara walks away back up the steps and into the building. Praxton stares at her back in shock. One of the elites really invited his sister somewhere without seeming like she wanted something.

"Be careful. She seems nice but she might just be smart," Praxton warns Selena as she rolls his eyes at his protective brother ways.

"She just wants to go get nails done honestly my nails are crying for help so I'll be fine could you lend me $50 until I get home," Selena please him with her eyes.

"Jesus Selena I know we live in Brooklyn but you'll probably have time after school," Praxton complains but hands the money over anyway.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Thanks you for bringing this," she grins holding her sewing machine.

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