Chapter five

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Clara followed Selena into the old bar. They make a beeline for the staircase in the far left corner and make it up the concrete steps. Selena greets a few of the regulars as they make their way to the metal door.

Selena raises her first and taps on the door lightly but it still creates a loud echo. Clara let out a startled sound at the noise and the doors thrown open.

A woman stands in the doorway she looks like she's in her late twenty's to mid-thirties. She's wearing blue jeans with ripped knees paired with an oversized red champion hoodie that's pushed up to her elbows and red fuzzy socks. She dresses like a teenager which probably adds to her youthful look. Her long medium golden brown wavy hair is lighter than Praxtons but contrasts with her olive skin nicely. Her eyes are hazel. Warmness radiates off of her as her full arched lips turn into a smile.

"I wasn't expecting you back this early I have to admit Selena. Who's this you brought with you?" she asks stepping as a side so we can come in.

"Mom this is Clara she's a friend from school. Is it ok if she stays here tonight she can't stay at her house," Selena explains already knowing her mother will allow it.

She's been begging Selena to bring someone over for ages.

"Of course that's fine, nice to meet you Clara. have you girls eaten dinner nearly ready," Mrs moon asks silently hoping they hadn't.

It's the first time her daughter had brought someone home since middle school and she wanted to get to know the girl better. Praxton had explained that Selena was going out with one of the 'elite' to get her nails done but she had quickly noticed her unmanicured fingers. Had she not had enough money?. She doesn't want her daughter to have been embarrassed.

"Nice to meet you to ms moon," Clara greets

She shoots her an award-winning smile she's had years of practice on. For someone reason, Clara has a strong urge to make Selena's mother like her.

"No, we haven't eaten how long until dinner,"
Selena asks.

She realises she actually starving at the mention of food because She had skipped lunch thanks to her busy schedule.

"About an hour I'm hanging it out until dad gets home but he's stuck in traffic.  Praxtons' in his room tell him please," ms moon as returning to the kitchen area.

The loft isn't the biggest but it's also not tiny to the left as you walk in is a kitchen. The walls are brick the cabinets black. What catches Clara's eye is the blackwork surface with glitter in it. It classes the place up. There's a sink with some washing up in it. The fridge is littered with little note held by magnets.

To the right is a tv on top of a black glass cabinet. A three-seater sofa opposite with a table in between the two, there are two-seater sofas either side of the table. Behind the sofa opposite the tv is a foldable black chair and guitar against a half wall. On the wall, there are a few family photos. Clara can help but think they really are a photo perfect family.

Selena leads Clara past the half wall and there's two white doors. Four white doors the doors to the two rooms behind the half wall are firmly closed whilst the other two are wide open. Selena leads us to the two-door which are firmly closed and walking into one.

Clara follows her in and watches as she slides a white wood panel revealing a boys room. Praxton is sprawled across his bed shirtless typing away on his phone. A rock, r &b mix song of some sort is playing loudly.

"What happened to their girl trash I'd never listen to them?," Selena taunts Praxton and he looks up rolling his eyes at her.

Ok maybe he had judged them a little bit too fast they're a decent band. Why was Clarissa Darlington standing in his bedroom with his little sister?. Hell then again he never thought he'd have her in his room so he takes that as a win.

"Shut up and tell me what you want," Praxton complains.

He huffs as he glances down at his phone typing something quickly. A small yawn escapes his lips.

"Mom said dinners in about an hour dads stuck in traffic," Selena explains.

She can tell there's something wrong with her brother but isn't going to ask about it in front of Clara. It's hard enough to get him to open up when it's just her without a girl he doesn't know and definitely doesn't trust being here as well.

"Well I'm not going to be here. Swim practice got moved to eight until nine because some freshman threw up in the pool," Praxton explains before running a hand through his hair.

His face scrunched up in disgust as he explained along with Selena and Claras. Selena didn't miss the look of interest on Claras face when she realised there's more to Praxton than good looks.

"Great that's gross," Selena tells him edits turning to Clara "what do you want to do?,".

"Well my nail tech from London's right here," Clara smiles gesturing to herself "obviously don't tell no one because it would be shameful for me to do my own nails and so On. I brought the stuff with me though so I can do yours now if you want me to," she offers.

Praxtons face morphs into surprise. An elite does something herself. She's trusting his sister with a secret. What is this world coming to?.

"Sure I'd love that," Selena reply's trying time fight off the shock in her voice.

Claras always been someone labelled as full of surprises and she proving it right. She mature to walk away from the fight with her mother, she does something herself at home instead of paying someone else to do it. What's next she's a circus clown?.

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