Chapter four

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After staying with Samantha for a few hours Clara headed home. well to the hotel they were staying in whilst her mother got the carpets ripped up. she could've just had them cleaned but shes dramatic like that.

Clara had to leave so she could do Selenas nails. she knew no one could really know about it but Clara looked at it in a way that no one would believe Selena if Selena told. it would be acknowledging that Claras talented and the elites don't like acknowledging peoples talents. they prefer to focus on stuff that makes people look bad rather than good and although doing her own nails did in a way make her look bad Clara knew she was talented with it and talents a good look.

As Clara had walked into the hallway she saw Selena standing at the door and felt slightly guilty. she was leaning against the wall disappointment all over her face and a heavy-looking sewing machine on the floor next to her. Clara hurried down the hall determined to make it up to Samantha she should've stated a time Samantha was probably waiting here as soon as school finished.

"hey sorry I had to go see some I would've texted you but I didn't have your number," Clara explains not wanting to reveal anything about her sister.

her mom was hiding her there telling everyone she had gone to boarding school to try it out, she'd flip if Clara told Selena. the only person she would let her tell would be lily but that's not an option to Clara when lily's my competition at the moment.

"oh, that's fine at least you're here now," Samantha smiles but she's disappointed.

she has to be home for curfew at eight and it's six now so they only have about an hour and a half together.

"come in," Clara tells her swiping her keycard.

there's a wine glass on the table and Clara audibly groans at the sight of it. this is not what she needs, she rushes through the door trying to reach the room before her mother appears but she doesn't make it.

Claras swear of samanthas presence. Nobody knows her mothers issues and she doesn't need a wannabe knowing. That's dangerous, especially if she's loyal to lily because lily won't hesitate before blabbing. 

"Where were you?" her mother asks.

Riley glances at Selena standing behind her daughter who shoots her an innocent smile. She's definitely not an elite. Frustration runs through Riley why can't Clara be easy for once?. Does she not understand the toll of what Samantha did is having on her?.

"I went to see Samantha she said hi," Clara tells her momentarily forgetting about Selena.

Why was Clara always this selfish, Samantha needs to heal and Claras healing ways will only make her worse.

"We don't speak of her," CLaras mom dismisses taking another gulp from her wine glass.

How dare Clara bring her sisters name up?. Maybe if Clara had actually cared about her sister this wouldn't have happened.

"you can't hide her forever mom shes fucked up. so am I so are you," Clara sighs moving past her to go into her room.

Clara doesn't understand why Samanthas problems need to be hidden. Everyone of the elites has problems, from drugs to being sex addicts to being broke but pretending they're fine.

Her mother sees red at that and the wine glass goes flying through the air smashing against the wall. How dare she walk away from her?. She allowed her to walk away once but not again this girl is going to respect her Riley decides. her mother has never been able to handle her drink. All that's going through her mother's mind though is how could her daughter who runs away from the family to boarding school for god knows what reason want to come back and tell her what she is. She was fine she just needed her daughter back and normal.

Samantha probably should have had more attention but rileys always busy with Clara. The blame she had for herself was eating her up turning into anger towards her eldest daughter.

"Are you fucking crazy," Clara demands spinning on her heel and marching towards her mother "one daughter being in a hospital not enough for you," Clara bites out anger flooding through her veins and venom lacing her voice.

how could her mother not of been there for her little girl? How did she not notice Samanthas struggles?. It's a mothers job to be there for her little girls. she wasn't there for Clara, Samantha was. she wasn't there for Samantha, nobody was. Now she's throwing glasses around acting like a spoilt teenager when she's supposed to be the adult. Then again that's the problem she was never a adult.

Her daughter's words ignited a red hot fire in Riley. tears brim in her eyes as she lets her anger take over and her hand connects with her daughters face. it lands with such a force her daughters head swings to the side. Clara's hand shoots to her red painted cheek in shock.

"you really are fucking crazy. you wonder why I run away to boarding school because I was drowning here. I felt Samantha I had problems going I needed my mother to talk to but all she cares about is the hierarchy. social-climbing has quite literally cost you your daughters," Clara tells her and Riley lunges forward again slamming Clara back into the wall.

What Clara said was her truth but to a mother who did know any of what Clara went through she was lying.

"don't you ever try and compare yourself to Samantha. Samantha has issues you never had the issues you just wanted to party too damn much and when I stopped it you pissed off to London. once again you left your family to pick up the pieces me and Samantha are the ones who put this family back together saved our reputation. we extinguished the pregnancy rumours, the alcohol and drug problem rumours. but honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised if they were true so no you're not going to come back here and drag this family through more shit. you weren't here for Samantha so don't act like a saint you failed her worse than me," Riley shouts.

all Clara wants is to shout back, hit her back disrespect her but at the end of the day, she doesn't have it in her to physically hit the woman her birthed, clothed and fed her.

Selena decided to stay out of it let them go at it. she didn't make a single sound only winced when Riley got physical with Clara. she didn't know what happened to Clara's sister, she didn't know why Clara went to London. she knew nothing. all she could do was stand and be quiet until they remembered her.

Clara's helpless, deflated eyes met Selenas and she grimaced as if realising her personal life isn't so personal anymore. her family was just revealed in front of a complete stranger. Selena follows Clara into her bedroom to see her throwing stuff into a bag. She's leaving again.

Clara doesn't know where she's going to go all she knows is she can't spend the night with her mother. her mothers in a mood she's in a mood and what happened a few seconds ago was bound to repeat if she didn't leave. before boarding school Clara would've stayed and done everything she could to annoy her mother. She

"That was pretty bad," Selena comments helping Clara with the zip of her bag. Claras shaking hands were making it almost impossible.

"There's been worse. I know you come to get your nails done but honestly I do mine myself and was going to do yours for you but I need to find a place to stay for the night," Clara begins to explain but Selena cuts her off.

"It's fine honestly and if you need a place to stay you can come to mine. It's in Brooklyn it's nothing great. I share it with my brother and parents but it's got a roof," Selena tells Clara.

What she just witnessed was slightly worrying. The force behind that slap had no room for love.

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