"Morning!" You greeted him in a sleepy, groggy voice.

"Morning..." He breathed out. His grin slowly flattened when he noticed you squinting your eyes while your face was closed in a grimace. His fingers combed through your hairs, occasionally massaging your forehead.

"Thought you were mad at me," You whispered and he shook his head.

"I can never, love..." He answered and his voice did sound honest. He ducked his head down, planting a kiss in your hair. You hummed in response.

"You're having a headache, right?" He asked, lifting his head up, even though he knew he was right.

"A little bit..." You answered, clearing your throat. Your voice sounded strained. He didn't speak for a minute as if he was thinking.

"I should... get you an ice pack... And even make you some... coffee. Will that be good?" He offered.

"That would be good," You closed your eyes and sank your shoulders in the mattress, dropping your hand back on the bed. He stepped out of the bed and then came back in a few minutes.

"Come 'ere," He mumbled, sitting beside you, resting his back against the headrest. He kept the ice pack wrapped in a white hand towel near his feet. You lifted yourself as his arms softly encircled your waist, pulling you to his chest. You scooted closer to him, resting your head on the point where his shoulders meet his chest, keeping your palm flat on his sternum.

One of his arms was still looped around your waist, his thumb was gently touching the little skin that was exposed because of the t-shirt (his t-shirt) rolling upwards. His other arm came to push the loose hair strands behind your ears, failing to do so though. The hairs were too small to be pushed behind yet he looked satisfied and gazed at you, smiling. Your heart was doing all that painful tightening and squeezing and thumping yet feeling warm and calm. He again kissed you on your forehead and then nuzzled his nose in your hair. And then picked the ice pack and pressed it on the spot where he was previously nuzzling he nose.

Everything he was doing was super tender but it also hinted to something deeper inside of him- insecurity, fear of losing... He was distracting himself from his nerves. You knew insecurity was not something that could go away easily. It will take time and you will give him that time. Then he spoke, confirming your assumptions.

"I... am really sorry for..." He hesitated and clicked his tongue in an attempt to search for the correct words, "My pa-passive aggressive behaviour last night."

You lifted your head from his chest to look at his face, his eyes were again radiating that nervous energy. Your free hand travelled to your head as you placed it above his hand, balancing the ice pack properly. You tried to catch his eyes but his pupils continued to dance in the middle space.

You sighed, "I shouldn't just blurt it out. It was a sensitive topic---"

"I want to do it." Harrison interrupted. He doubted his voice sounded screechy like Voldemort. But he also sounded a bit panicky, so maybe not exactly Voldemort.

He finally looked straight into your eyes and took in a shallow breath. "I want to do it," He repeated much more confidently this time. "I will talk to Tom," He released the breath out but much more deeply.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," He pressed his lips in a thin line and nodded, "I will."

"That's... That's awesome," You sighed of relief and his lips curled into a miniature smile. You leaned in and pecked them, feeling yourself smiling ear to ear. A chuckle erupted from his throat when you pulled back, making your eyes narrow in confusion.

Faking, Falling | Harrison Osterfield x Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now