15. Charlotte Sometimes

Start from the beginning

Someone oohs behind me.

"I have to leave now Charlie, but I'll see you in a few hours, okay?"

"Okay" she answers, still smiling; "Will you tell Niall I say hi?"

"I will" I smile back getting in the car.

She waves us goodbye.

"That was probably the sweetest fan we've encountered" Sophia says once the car starts.

"Remember to tell Niall she says hi" Lottie adds.

"I think I'm going to do something way better than that" I answer grinning.

Once we arrive to the stadium I head over to Lou's room where the boys from 5SOS await.

"Ash, can you do me a favor?" I ask while I iron Michael's now strong-pink hair.

"Sure" he answers, standing up.

"Could you please get Liam? I need to talk to him"

"Be right back"

"Be careful, maybe he's with Sophia and you interrupt them while they're..."

"Calum!" Luke says laughing.

The New Zealander laughs too as he seats in front of Lou, ready to have his hair done.

Liam and Ashton enter the room a couple of seconds later and I tell Liam what I have planned.

"That's so cool" Ashton says lifting his head a bit; "Ouch! You burned me!"

"You should be still while I dry your hair or this happens" I say as I pull away the dryer.

Sam enters that very second.

"Victoria, time to go"

I follow him, Sophia and Lottie to our seats during the concert.

The concert is incredible. It is so different to watch it from the crowd than doing it through a monitor backstage. The boys sing almost all the FOUR repertoire along with some of their famous singles from other albums.

During one of the talk breaks, Liam gives me a thumbs up and brings the mic to his mouth.

"Okay, now I want to do a little shout out. Little as the lady our girls met this morning. Is Charlie somewhere in the audience?"

The boys stare at him, not really understanding.

I get scared for a second; what if another girl takes her place? Fortunately I have described her with detail to Liam and he recognizes the 'Crazy Mofos' t-shirt as security lift her up so they can see her.

"There she is!" Liam shouts.

"Hello Charlie!" Harry waves at her.

"Hi!" the rest of the boys echo him.

"Is Charlie from Charlotte?" I hear Niall asking as he puts on a headset microphone.

"Yeah, Niall" Liam answers, "And she just wanted to say hello to you!"

"To me?" Niall is surprised.

"Yeah, mate; so..." Liam gives the mic to security and they hand it over to the little girl.

"Hello, Niall" she says shyly, making all the audience ooh.

"Hi, Charlie" Niall answers smiling, and the whole stadium roars with excitement.

"I wanted to say you're my favourite crazy mofo and I wish I was Victoria so I could have you as my boyfriend"

Niall laughs turning where we are seated.

"She is nice" Charlie adds.

"She is" Niall agrees, winking at me.

The screams start again as soon as his voice exits through the speakers

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The screams start again as soon as his voice exits through the speakers.

The mic returns to Liam and the concert continues. When it finishes, Patrick, one of the body guards walks me to where Charlie is.

"Hi!" she greets me with a hug, "I said hello to Niall with Liam's mic!"

"You did!" I answer smiling, "Now, how would you like saying hello to him in person?"

Her face is priceless.

"Oh God, I love doing these things" Liam chuckles watching her hug Niall and the rest of the boys.

Once every fan has had a picture taken, we leave to the hotel.

"You sure you don't want to come?" Niall asks putting a black jacket on; "I'm sure we can manage to get you in".

"It's okay" I answer smiling, lifting up the covers; "I'm dead tired, you have fun"

"Fine, see you later"

I blow him a kiss and he pretends to catch it in the air and places it on his cheek.

"G'night, Victoria" he says with a smile.

"Good night, Niall" I answer, smiling back, before my eyes close and I fall asleep.

A thump wakes me up a couple of hours later.

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