Chapter 145: A Heart's Desire

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The earthy, vigorous aroma of coffee filled up the nostrils of the King and Queen of Arendelle in the midst of a lavender night full of stars. Both of their backs laid against downy embroidered pillows, and this couple is ready to pull another one of their episodic all nighters.

It was unusual for her to stay up late, but when she saw those glorious twinkle in her husband's pupils when she unintentionally agreed, she said nothing more against his wishes.

She still wondered what they were doing on the floor when their bed just existed right there, cold and untouched yet sheets ruffled and spacious because of the absence of its pillows.

The warmth of his muscular left arm placed around her shoulder made her mind hazy, but she didn't want to waste this adorable man's efforts.

It wasn't the copy manuscript he held between his gloved hands, it was the prequel book and each word that left her husband's mouth drove her to crave for more of this lovely novel.

It was not a surprise for Aiden to immediately fall in love with this beautiful piece of literary art.

It also made her realize how much of a romance novel addict Aiden was.

“Douglas wanted to be found— but at the same time, wanted to stay hidden,” The fire king narrated closely, “He could not allow her to see him like this. Broken, bruised and scarred; yet he didn't know that those three things just drew more of the brunette's attention.”

Elsa hummed softly as he continued to read to her, and boy was she impressed. His tongue doesn't seem like it's growing numb. She didn't want it to be a matter of how long he was going to last, but still.

“Sometimes, she spoke in a monotone way, your darkest thorns surpasses the beauty of your rose's petals.”

His voice, my word, Elsa sharply breathed, Everytime he speaks it feels like he's crooning, or something.

“Charlotte, I have loved you before and I will love you again. But don't you see... I've come this far, and you push me away to go back to the start?” Aiden grandly proclaimed, and paused.

He swiftly grabbed his half empty mug and sipped, before recovering his hold on the leather edges of the cover.

Then, something tugged on the cotton soft fabric of his glove.

An apologetic smile met his bitten bottom lip of reluctance. Elsa shyly released her fingers' grip on his clothed thumb and looked down on her lap in embarrassment.

"Erm.. I'm sorry... It's just that... Y-your hands, I wanted to feel..." She shuddered at her words, "Again, sorry for interrupting. Do go on."

Aiden chuckled and gently lifted his wife's chin, and once again, green meets blue.

"What about my hands, darling?" He smiled.

Elsa furiously blushed. "It's nothing, I was just wondering why you are recently wearing gloves nowadays. I just miss how warm they would be if they were bare..."

Words left her lips as she caught a glimpse of his pearl white teeth pulling on the pliable edges of the restricting garment encasing his hands and wrists. Once each glove fell abruptly on his thigh, he simply gazed at her to watch her reaction.

Elsa was not only astounded by his fleet gesture. She is also astonished by herself.

She wanted to feel.

She spent her whole life trying not to.

And now, she wanted to.

The world can turn upside down whenever it wishes.

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