chapter twelve

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"NIALL YOU BETER NOT EAT ALL OF THOSE PANCAKES I NEED SOME TOO!" I shouted at him. He glared at me. "I don't know what if you've already ate and you're just saying you haven't." He said playfully. "Try me Horan." I said. He started shoving more pancakes in his mouth. So I ran to him and jumped into his lap and stole the pancake that was in his mouth and started eating it. "HEY NO FAIR!

" Niall shouted at me. I just kissed him on the cheek. He started blushing. "Ahem.." Niall's mum cleared her throat. I had forgotten that she was even here. "Oh yeah sorry mum, we can talk now are you done eating Moriah?" He asked me. "Oh yeah I'm stuffed the pancakes were lovely thank you so much." Niall scooped me up and carried me into the living room where his mum was sitting on the couch. She motioned for Niall and I to come sit down on the couch in front of her. He carried me over to the couch and sat down, he was still holding me. I don't know if his mum approved of us dating. "OHMYGOSH!" I shouted as I stood up or tried to. "MY PARENTS!!" I had lost my cellphone and completely forgot to call my parents and update them on the whole situation. They were either going to be completely happy or extremely mad at me. "Moriah calm down I'm sure everything will be fine, just calm down let's talk to my mum first then you can call your parents." I sat back down on Niall's lap, I rested my head on his chest. "if you need to call you parents now Moriah you can." Niall's mum said to me. "No I'm fine I'll call them later, now what did you want to talk to us about?" I asked his mum. "Oh yes well I wanted to just say that you have made my son more happy than I have ever seen him, I mean the boys have made him happy but you just make him light up more." I was blushing now Niall must have seen because he whispered into my ear "You know you look rather adorable when you blush." I started laughing and if course I started blushing more. "Oh that's not all either, if you hurt my son it's not going to go well for you." She said to me. I understood where she was coming from. "I would never dream of it." After I said that Niall leaned in and kissed me on my nose. "Well you guys probably have a long day today and I don't want to keep you any longer." His mum said she came over and hugged us both and then went back into the kitchen probably to clean up. "Well you heard my mum lets get going Moriah." It was a nice day today and in Ireland there aren't many of them. Niall was at the front door already. "Well are you coming Princess?" He asked me. I got up and walked over to him he took my hand and led me to his car and opened the door for me as he always does. "So what are we doing today?" I asked Niall. "You'll see let's just get you to your flat first." I was confused but I really didn't care as long as I was with Niall everything was going to be perfect no matter what we did. The rest of the ride was filled with laughter, Niall held my hand and told corny jokes the rest of the way to my flat. He got out of the car and helped me get out he held my hand the whole time. I loved it when he did that, I can't explain how perfect it feels to have him hold his hand. It's like we were meant to be. I went over to my room and Niall followed. His phone started ringing again. "Niall you should probably answer it, what if it's Paul or the boys?" He just sighed. "They can wait." I just laughed as I pulled out Niall's phone from his pocket. "Hello Niall's Princess here. "Moriah?! He claimed you already!? NO FAIR!" Harry shouted at me. "Harry calm down what do you need?" I told him. He started to yell at someone in the background. "Listen Liam and Niall have to do a last minute interview so tell Niall that his plans have to be canceled which means your spending the day with Zayn and Lou and I." I really didn't know what to say i was rather sad. "Oh okay I'll tell him I promise." Just then Niall kissed my neck. "NIALL STOP IM ON THE PHONE!" Harry coughed. "Okay well tell Niall he has to be over here in a half an hour to get dressed and ready bye!" Then Harry hung up. "Who was that?" Niall asked me. "Oh that was Harry, you and Liam have a last minute interview today you have to go meet the boys in a half an hour so Harry said our plans have been canceled.

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