Chapter eleven

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Niall led me up to what I assumed was his room. He went over to the dresser and got out some sweatpants and a tank top for me. Then he threw them at me. "HEY! No fair I wasn't ready." He just laughed at me I loved his laugh.

 "Well you should have been paying attention now lets go take a shower." Did he mean us both at the same time or? he led me to the bathroom. "Um Niall there's only one shower?" He laughed again. "So we can either shower together or you can take a shower first and i'll wait." Niall said to me. "I... um.." "Just get in the shower beautiful." I then got into the shower and took all my wet clothes off. i was very self conscience so I didn't want him to see me naked but he was my boyfriend. "I'll just sit right here and wait for you to get out okay." Niall had said to me, his words were sweet and made me feel safe. "Okay Niall, but can you please sing to me?" There was silence then, "Of course princess anything for you." He started singing Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran one of my favorite songs. After that he sang Little Things and then Rock Me. I turned off the water and just listened to his voice. It calmed me it was like an angel was in there singing to me. I got out and wrapped the towel around myself. Then Niall got up and got into the shower. "Princess will you sing for me?" Niall asked. "Sure thing my prince." I giggled then started to get dressed while singing Skyfall. After I finished singing skyfall I started singing One Thing. Niall was done faster than I was. He got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around his waist. His abs were so toned. The muscle was rippling when he moved. I couldn't believe that my boyfriend was that fit. I think he caught me staring at him. "So like what you see Moriah?" He asked then winked at me. I blushed then started giggling. "How did I get such a fit boyfriend like you Niall?" He was blushing now. He started walking towards me. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I carefully placed my arms around his neck and looked into his endless crystal blue eyes. "Moriah you know I love your right?" And with that he leaned in to kiss me once again. This time the kiss was with hunger and passion. It was a sweet and passionate kiss, I can't explain the feeling. It just felt so right our lips moving in sync like we were made to kiss each other. It seemed like nothing else mattered. I pulled away to get some air. Niall's hands still tight around my waist our bodies touching. "You know Niall you should really get some clothes on." I looked at him and he still had the towel wrapped around his waist. "Oh yeah.. um right.." I turned around to fix my hair while he put his boxers on. I turned back around. I just started giggling. "Nice boxers Niall." His boxers had little leprechauns on them. "Erm.. a fan gave them to me." I was still laughing. "Well your an adorable leprechaun." I said to him as he was putting his sweatpants on. "Come on Moriah lets go get some sleep we have my mum to talk to in the morning." I sighed as Niall took my hand and led me back to his room. I let go of his hand and jumped onto the bed, and then patted the spot next to me. "I was thinking about sleeping on the floor actually." Niall had said to me. "So when were dating we can't sleep in the same bed but when were not dating we can?" He just laughed at me, I made a pout face. He climbed into bed with me. "Yes your right that does sound silly." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him, he then kissed me on the forehead. "Goodnight my beautiful princess." And with that I fell asleep in Niall's arms. I woke up to the clanging of dishes. I knew it wasn't anyone other than Niall's mum downstairs probably trying to make breakfast for us all. So I decided to go downstairs to help her. I tried to get up but Niall's grip around my waist was tight. I managed to escape his tight grip, I kissed him on the forehead and headed downstairs to find his mum. I walked into the kitchen and saw Niall's mum making some pancakes, she had gotten mix everywhere. "Oh Moriah I didn't mean to wake you I was just making pancakes." "Oh really you didn't wake me," I lied "I just woke up and smelt something cooking and decided I would come and help you cook." She just looked at me strangely and then came and hugged me. "Thank you for making Niall so happy, please don't hurt him." I was shocked, did I really make Niall that happy? "Oh I would never hurt him ever I promise." Just then Niall walked in. "Hurt who? OHMYGOD PANCAKES!"

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