Chapter nine

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I didn't even know that the boys were going on tour let alone I was now going to go with them. I was a little hurt that Niall hadn't told me that he was going on tour next week. I mean it's not like we were dating or anything, we are friends I thought he would have told me not Simon. I mean I was a little frustrated with Niall but I loved him so I wasn't made and I sure as hell didn't hate him for not telling me. I'm actually surprised that Lou didn't accidently tell me or something. "Um.. Moriah are you okay?" Niall asked me. I guessed I kind of zone out or something. "Oh.. yeah.. um.. i'm fine.. when were you going to tell me you guys are going on tour?" Simon looked very uncomfortable. "I think I should give you two some privacy." Simon said as he left the room. "Listen Moriah, I didn't want to tell you because I was in denial I really didn't want to leave you and now I don't have to because you can come with us even Simon said." I laughed and suddenly I just wasn't frustrated anymore because I now knew Niall had felt something for me. "That's really sweet of you Niall, Thank you for thinking of me." He looked confused. "You're not mad at me?" "Of course not I probably would have done the same thing." He looked so happy. "Thank you for not being mad at me." Then he came over to me and wrapped his arms around me and picked me up and twirled me around. I just laughed. "Let's get you home so you can start packing." Niall said to me as he scooped me up into his arms and walked out of the room towards the elevator. "Niall put me down I am to heavy for you to carry!" He just laughed, he was having way to much fun doing this to me. When we go to the car he opened the door for me as always, he is such a gentleman. The ride home was silent, I didn't really know what to say my dream was coming true. I have met One Direction and I'm really close to Niall and I'm going to become a famous singer. Everything seemed to be falling into place except for one tiny detail. I wanted to be Niall Horan's girlfriend, I wanted to be his princess. He pulled up to my flat and walked around to the passenger door and helped me get out, he didn't let go of my hand. I went and unlocked the door then I went straight to my room. "NIALL!" I shouted at him. He came running into my room with a panicked expression. "WHAT MORIAH ARE YOU OKAY?!" I just started laughing at him. "Yes Niall I am fine I just wanted to know if you could make us some food while I take a shower." "Oh yeah.. sure I will." He looked sort of disapointed. Oh well I'll just let him cook the food again. I got into the shower and started singing like I always do but this time I was singing Little Things by One Direction. I loved Niall's solo so much. I heard the door open but I didn't care to look. "Moriah..?" "Yes Niall what is it?" "Did you forget a towel again?" Crap I forgot a towel again. i turned the water off. "Oh yeah I did can you please get me one?" "Here I just heard you singing my part in little things and I grabbed a towel because I thought you would forget it." He is so sweet I don't deserve him as a friend, I wanted him to be my boyfriend.. "Thank you Niall, Oh yeah and I love your solo in Little Things you sing like an angel." He just laughed and left the bathroom. I got out and went into my room to get dressed I could smell the food that Niall was making for us. He was such a good cook. i just decided to throw some clothes on and put a little bit of makeup on it was only twelve thirty. I skipped down the hallway towards the kitchen. I saw Niall making Mac' n' cheese. My favorite how did he know? "What are you making Chef Horan?" I asked him being a little flirty. "oh you know just Mac' n cheese your favorite." "YUMMMM!" We sat down and ate when Niall got a phone call. Apparently the Paparazzi had seen Niall and I and his Mother wanted to know what was up. He hung up his phone and set it on the table. "Moriah how would you like to go meet my Mum today?" 

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