Chapter eight

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The boys all just stared at me making me feel very uncomfortable. "Um.. why are you guys staring at me?" Zayn was the only one who spoke up. "We didn't know you could sing, why didn't you ever tell us?" When have I had time t

o tell them? I just met them. "I just met you guys and you never asked me if I could sing." I told them all. "Wow yeah I sort of forgot we just met, it feels like we've known you for a long time that's weird but seriously we want to hear you sing." Liam said to me. "Fine if I sing for you guys will you please stop staring at me?" "YES!" they all said in unison except Niall he was just grinning. I started to sing Rolling in the deep by Adele. There's a fire starting in my heart.... When I finished I looked over at the boys. All of their mouths were open probably in shock, I wasn't that great of a singer. "NIALL TAKE HER TO UNCLE SIMON NOW SHE MUST BECOME FAMOUS!" Louis said as he shoved Niall and I out of the door. Niall grabbed my hand and walked me over to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for me. I was still in shock. Why did everyone think I was such a great singer? "You know Moriah your a really good singer, I don't know if you haven't noticed by no or anything but the boys like are in love with you now because your fit and your gorgeous and you can cook and sing, they think your perfect Harry wants to be your boyfriend." I just sat there in shock Niall really thought I was gorgeous? My heart just stopped beating, I truly loved Niall but I couldn't say anything. "You really find me gorgeous Niall?" He just looked at me and then laughed. "Is that really all you heard? I said Harry want's to be your boyfriend and that all the boys love you and all you got out of it was that I think your gorgeous?" " yes because your opinion really matters to me Niall." He just looked over at me. "Yes Moriah I think your gorgeous, your perfect your laugh your smile everything your just perfect to me." That's when the tears started falling. I started crying because that was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to me. "Um.. Moriah? Are you okay, was it something I said?" Niall asked me. "No.. Niall that was just the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me thank you so much." He just looked at me puzzled. "No one has ever saud that to you?" "No, no one your the first." He got all serious. "Well they are all stupid for not telling you that your perfect because you are." We just sat there in silence for the rest of the ride. I fell asleep, I didn't even realize that I had until I woke up in an Office and Simon Cowell and Niall were sitting in the corner quietly talking. I just sat there a little longer, Niall had carried me yet again I really hope I wasn't that heavy. "Oh Moriah your awake!" Niall had said coming over to me to help me get up. He then walked me over to Simon. "Hello Moriah Niall has told me so much about you, I heard that you can sing? Would you mind singing for me?" I was sort of fangirling in the inside, Simon wanted to hear me sing. "Oh Hello Simon, sure I'll sing for you." I started to sing Set Fire To The Rain by Adele. When I finished Simon was just speechless. Niall had started laughing and in between his laughing fit he managed to say "Unlce Simon... is .. speechless.. that's a.. first.." I didn't know whether I was really that bad or that good, then Simon finally snapped out of it. "She's amazing Niall where did you find her?" Niall calmed himself down enough to explain my story. "Well she's from America and she's supposed to be going to college over here but she landed a job at my pub and I don't thinks he needs to go to college anymore." I was shocked I had told Niall my whole life story, I didn't even realize that. "Yes true she doesn't need to go to college anymore we shall make her famous, you know what she is going to go on tour with you guys next week." Tour next week? When was Niall going to tell me this? 

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