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There are two categories that you can fall into. The extrovert or the introvert. You are unfortunately in the introvert category and had lived a life of solitude of games and a FUCK TON OF ANIME!!! Though this does not mean that you're depressed, but you just like being alone.

~~<<Y/N POV>>~~

I woke up from a nap after binge-watching Jojo's bizarre adventure, parts 1 through 5. I got myself up to wash my face in the bathroom to refresh myself. After that, I went to the fridge to get some food but to my surprise; it was very empty.

y/n: oh, Goddammit!

I stood there thinking about getting food or not but then my stomach was growling so I changed into my jacket and jeans and wore black sneakers and went to the convenience store.


After getting there, I went inside to find some instant ramen. I quickly got them and waited in line. There were many people, so it was going to be awhile. While I was looking around, I had set my sights on the new issue of an anime magazine that had Giorno on the cover being flamboyant as ever.

y/n: 'hmm... I wonder when JoJo part 6 gets an anime adaption. I'm interested in what happens next...'

Suddenly a black van showed up outside, followed by 4 people who got out of the vehicle. All of them were armed to the teeth. Suddenly, one of them threw what seemed to be a hand grenade which broke through the window and landed right by my feet.


All the people screamed as they jumped away from the grenade, but unfortunately for me. Since my reaction time is slow as shit, I couldn't jump away at the right moment so...







My ears started ringing as my vision was very blurry. I noticed I was lying on the ground with my back to the wall. I couldn't speak or move any of my limbs, so I settled on looking around me through my blurry ass vision to see what the Fuck was going on.

Y/n: 'Jesus almighty Christ! everything hurts! my entire body is burning like hell! Why the fuck does this have to happen!'

Despite my blurry vision and still ringing ears, I noticed that the armed terrorists were now shooting at what I assumed were the people in the store. Probably making sure that all of them were dead. I tried my damn hardest to move even just a finger, but all I got were little spasms, one of the armed men noticed my movements so he walked over to me as he towers above my singed and broken body as he points his rifle at my head.

Y/n: 'whelp, this is it, huh? Had a good run..... Who am I kidding, that's such a lie. But if there's one thing life had taught me. Is that no matter what, LIFE IS A BITCH!!!'




Silence. I groggily open my eyes to see nothing but a dark void and a very fancy-looking chair. I had then realized that I was also sitting on one. This got me confused.

y/n: huh? What the? Where the hell?-

???: hello young soul.

y/n: A... Voice?

a WEEB goes adventuring: a konosuba x reader storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora