part one - trouble sleeping (sfw)

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you've always had a problem with your sleep schedule, perhaps to the point you could say you didn't have one. it didn't bother you in the past, because you'd lived alone and could stay up for as long as you needed without worrying about affecting someone else.

well... the past is the past. now you live with your boyfriend, schlatt. he's always up online doing something, so you can just do your own thing without worry. you'd been able to hide the extent of your sleeping problems that way, simply slipping under his radar until he's already fast asleep and you can just crawl into bed next to him whenever you feel like you could finally go to sleep.

it was a normal night (for you, at least) - hanging out with schlatt in his little recording space while he talks to the guys, happily listening in. after a while, you had gotten up to go make dinner for the both of you. not too long later, he comes out of his studio to join you in the kitchen. he smiles as he walks up to you, puts his arm around you, and kisses your forehead. you can't help but smile and lean your head against his chest.

you made pizza rolls for dinner because, like, hello, pizza rolls. you both grabbed a plate and sat in the living room together, cuddled up on the couch to watch something while you ate. you could see schlatt get sleepier as the night progressed. after almost dozing off once or twice, schlatt stood up and stretched and announced he was going to go to bed. you just smiled and told him goodnight and that you'd join him soon.

you also got up to stretch and take the dirty dishes to the sink to be taken care of tomorrow. you cleaned up the rest of the kitchen and went back to the couch, getting on your phone to pass the time. you knew there was no way you were falling asleep anytime soon.

hours passed as the same show you've watched a thousand times over played on the tv. not much attention was being paid to the show anyway. you just sat there blankly staring at your phone scrolling through twitter and Amazon, looking at whatever caught your attention next.

schlatt got up to use the bathroom but must have heard the tv from the hallway. he immediately came to check what the noise was, assuming you just left the tv on. he was greeted by a very exhausted-looking you curled up on the couch. all you could do was give him a sheepish little 'sorry if i woke you' smile.

"hey... babe? what time is it?" he asked with a yawn.
"oh... like, 5am, i think? why?" you responded, trying to play it cool.
"you should be asleep. i thought you were already in bed!" he sat next to you and faced you. "you look so tired, baby..."
"i guess i am a bit tired.. i just have a hard time falling asleep is all." you said shyly.
"wait.. is this, like, a common thing for you? how have i not noticed?" you could feel his confusion in his words.
you let out a soft chuckle. "yeah, kinda. sometimes i can fall asleep soon after you do, other times like tonight it's a mystery if i even will fall asleep. plus, you're a heavy sleeper. it makes it easier to sneak into bed without waking you." you replied.
"i feel so bad, i had no idea you were struggling so much. you should have told me." he sounded a little hurt, which was not your intention in the slightest.
"oh, no! i'm sorry, i just really didn't want to mess up your sleep schedule alongside mine or have you worry about me is all. you're right, i should have told you sooner." you apologized.
"don't worry about it sweetheart. you told me now and that's all that matters. come here -" he said as he held out his hand. you grabbed it and he pulled you on top of him. you immediately snuggled into his chest with a smile.
"that's my girl... try and get some rest, okay? we can lay here as long as you'd like." he said in a comforting whisper. he started lightly running his fingers along your back up and down and also in circles. you immediately got sleepy and found yourself miraculously starting to fall asleep.

as soon as you fell asleep, schlatt looked over at the tv. "...gross, this show again? i need to show her something new. she deserves better." he said with a light chuckle as he turned it off and settled in for a night on the couch.

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