part fourteen - dying your hair, mild nsfw

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cw for mentions of nudity and adult language. just like every other story of mine, all characters 18+.

you had never been one to drastically change your appearance... and you still weren't. however, you did want a change. your friend had told you about color depositing shampoo, which is just hair dye you 'wash' into your hair. you figure there's no time like the present to give new things a shot.

you picked out a bottle of the shampoo at your local beauty supply store. the label promised red, but who knows how it would turn out in your hair.

once home, you read the back of the bottle - instructions, warning label, etc - to see if there's anything you should know going into it. this product will stain, external use only, avoid eyes, rinse until clear, yadda yadda yadda. nothing you didn't already expect.

since it was a shampoo, a 3-in-1 shampoo and conditioner (plus one mystery component) at that, you decided to do it in the shower. after all, why wouldn't you?

you used your phone's music player to keep track of time once you applied the dye shampoo to all the places you wanted it. the bottle said for maximum color payoff, wait ten or more minutes, so at least three songs.

at least ten minutes had passed and the part you dreaded was upon you - the cold rinse off. the bottle specified to use cold water, but since your hair is attached to the rest of you, no part of you is spared from the cold water. you rinsed until you couldn't stand to be under the cold water anymore. it was pretty much all clear anyway!

you finally fully opened your eyes to turn the water back to warm when you saw the horrors that awaited you. everything was some shade of RED. the tub was pink, the walls were pink, the shower curtain was pink, you were pink. what were you supposed to do???

you read the bottle again. product will stain. immediately wash with soap and warm water to prevent lasting stains. okay, cool, so just finish taking the shower, right? wrong. you realized you were unable to... reach certain parts of you that were definitely going to need the dye scrubbed off. whatever could you do?

you wiped all the dye-water from your hands onto whatever towel was closest. you texted your boyfriend schlatt to come help you in the bathroom.

he wasted no time. steam and a strange scent rushed out the door as he opened it. "oh, god, babe, what is that? bubblegum? tutti frutti? ... a chemical spill?" he exclaimed. "well if you think it's bad now, wait until you see the other side of the curtain." you had to laugh.

with a slight hesitation, he pulled back the shower curtain and peeked in, only seeing red. "did you murder the easter bunny in there?? is that why it's all red and smells like candy??" he yelled, almost echoing in the bathroom. you showed him the bottle of hair dye. he had no idea this is what you had planned for today, but quite frankly, neither did you.

"anyway! i need help washing off the rest of this dye. i got all i could but i can't quite reach my back, and i don't wanna stain our bed or anything once i'm done. can you help?" you asked nicely. he let out an overexaggerated sigh. "i suppose if you're just gonna twist my arm about it." he took the soapy washcloth from you.

"and don't look at my ass!" you warned. "but.. it's so nice, it's hard not to look..." he said right as you could feel his glance shift down. you rolled your eyes. might as well take advantage of this, you thought. you shook your ass just enough to keep his attention. he stifled a quiet groan.

he quickly started washing down your back, stopping right at your lower back. "so, uh," his voice was clearly shaky. he cleared his throat. "your ass is, well, pink. want me to take care of that?" he asked. "if you wouldn't mind.." you replied innocently.

"mind? certainly not. er, i mean, gross! why would i wanna do that?" he scoffed as he rubbed the soapy washcloth across your backside. "thank you darling." you looked back and smirked. "really, the pleasure is all mine." he matched your smirk.

"is there anything else that may need de-pinked? do your boobs need any help?" he asked, clearly wanting.. more. You gave him a smug little grin. "nope! i believe i have it all under control now. thank you for asking though!" you said in an overly sweet voice, knowing what he wanted. he seemed upset by your answer.

"turn around, i wanna get out and get dried off!" you said. "babe, we've been together for, what, years now? why do i gotta turn around?" he asked, confused with an attitude. he still turned around, though. he's argumentative, not disrespectful. that gave you the perfect opening for what you were about to do.

you snuck up behind him, still dripping wet from the shower. "because, it adds an element of surprise, and isn't that fun?" you whispered in his ear and left a soft kiss on his neck. you could see him get chills. his cheeks had to be as red as your hair now was.

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