part eighteen - "head empty" vibes sfw

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over the years, your brain has.. changed. of course it has, it's supposed to. yours just.. doesn't stop. you used to be an honors student, reading full novels in a week with ease. as the years went on, the reading slowed down and you noticed some concentration issues, but still you ignored it. at this point, you can't ignore it. it's the flip of a coin whether you'll be able to produce thoughts every day - you either get too many or none at all. sometimes you're blessed to end up in the middle.. except it almost always ends up in you getting upset, exhausted, or a headache by evening.

today was a middle day. lucky you!

the day started with you being very grounded, feeling positive and ready to take on the day. you woke up before schlatt, so you decided to make breakfast for the both of you while you felt like functioning. the smell of your cooking woke schlatt up and he made it to the kitchen. he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your forehead.

"good morning baby," he said in his sleepy, groggy morning voice. "good morning! hope you're hungry!" you said back cheerfully. "of course i am, if you're cooking i'm always hungry." he sat down across from where you were cooking at the counter. you slid him a plate full of pancakes and fruit.

you two ate your breakfast and made some small talk about the weather, nothing big. just enjoying each other's company. "thank you babe, you did so good this morning! i hope you don't mind but i have a video i wanna work on tonight, wanna hang out later? i feel bad sticking you with the cleaning." he asked sincerely. "i don't mind at all! kick that video's ass babe." you replied with a smile as you started putting the dishes in the sink. "you're the best," he said as he left to go to his studio.

you started soaking the dishes and wiping down the countertops. everything was fine - normally when you're alone, the brain fog comes rushing in and you're left incapable of doing anything. you stood there washing the dishes and staring out the window.

as if a switch flipped, you felt yourself losing your focus. god, just get the dishes done, you thought to yourself. it took longer than it should have to finish them, but the important part is you got them done. small victories. you stared blankly out the window oncemore trying to think about what you could possibly do and if you even could. you turned and looked around the studio apartment at everything you could see. yeah, no, nothing else is happening today.

you sat yourself down on the couch in the living room. you would turn on the tv, but then you'd have to spend hours looking for a show that you wouldn't even pay attention to if you did turn on. it just wasn't worth it. you curled up on the couch hoping to take a nap so you wouldn't have to focus on your inability to focus.

you must have dozed off, because the next thing you knew, the sun was going down and schlatt came to check on you. he walked into an awkwardly silent and dark room with his girlfriend balled up on the couch. "babe?" he asked loudly. he had no idea what was up. his yelling woke you up, causing you to jump. at least schlatt could tell where you were now!

schlatt turned on the lamp next to the couch. you put your arms over your face to block out the light. he sat next to you and put his hand on your knee to let you know he was there. you stretched a little and sat up to look at him. your eyes were bloodshot and had dark circles under them.

"you.. okay? it's unlike you to just fall asleep on the couch like this. did you get up to anything today?" he asked concerned. "ah.. haha.. well i did the dishes! that's about it though.." you were embarrassed.

"smooth brain got ya?" he asked. you nodded in response. "i have a headache too. i felt so bad.. i was doing so good this morning, you saw it! it just.. hit. i didn't have the energy to even pick background noise. i hate when this happens." you sounded dejected.

"c'mere." he leaned back and patted his chest, signalling you to come lay on him. of course you obliged. he immediately ran his fingers across your back and through your hair. "don't beat yourself up for it baby. i know you can't control it, i could never get upset at you for it. you can rest your big empty head on my chest for as long as you need, i'm yours. however, i'm gonna need some noise, so pardon me a sec." he said as he leaned over to grab the tv remote.

he turned on the tv and put on a show he knows you like but have seen so many times you don't have to pay attention to it. he resituated himself andade sure you were comfortable. he kept playing with your hair and you could hear his heartbeat. you felt yourself start to doze off. schlatt looked down at you with nothing but love in his eyes as you drifted off. he smiled to himself and started to fall asleep as well.

you might have had your head in the clouds but schlatt kept you grounded, right where you should be.

jschlatt oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon