part twenty - cuddly sfw (short?)

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song inspo: strange love by simple creatures !! give it a listen if you wanna feel the vibes i was feeling when writing this :)

it's the middle of the week and between school and work, you were beat. you had just enough energy to stay awake.. technically. physically you were awake, but that's about it. you were slumped across the couch listening to the vague sounds of the tv but not really picking up anything.

unbeknownst to you, schlatt was doing just about the same thing, except he was over in his studio. he was supposed to be filming something for his channel but he just couldn't get the motivation. he was sat haphazardly in his chair doom-scrolling twitter. on his timeline he found a cute video of two raccoons in a pond swimming around eachother - obviously he sent it to you and captioned it "us <3".

you heard your phone go off. you checked to see who messaged you - it was the video schlatt sent. you responded with "wish it was us rn" and put your phone back down. "let me see what i can do" he replied.

moments later, he left his studio to join you in the living room. "so, unfortunately, i can't turn us into those pond raccoons. however! i would be more than happy to join you on the couch and we can be pond raccoons in spirit." he said in his best shark tank announcer voice. you just smiled and held your arms up in the air, all but begging him to cuddle up to you.

he smiled and tried to hide his excitement as he climbed on top of you on the couch, laying as flat as possible. you'd think he was going for a planking record, but really he just likes being close to you. it's pretty cute, actually. he wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin against your chest so he could be looking up at you. you rolled your eyes at his cheesiness.

one of your arms was propped up behind your head while the other rested on schlatt's head, playing with his hair. you tilted his chin up with just your index finger and leaned down to kiss his forehead. you could have swore you heard him laugh oh-so-quietly.

he must have taken this as a challenge because before you knew it, he was repositioning himself to be closer face-to-face with you. he kissed your cheeks, nose, chin, forehead.. all of it. "okay showoff!" you teased. "well, that just means i love you more then, huh?" he asked obviously trying to be snarky. "no, but whatever helps you sleep at night, champ." you said as you went back to playing with his hair.

playing with his hair must be his off button, because all the attitude and everything dropped once you started doing it again. he rested his head against your chest, arms wrapped around you still, and fell right asleep. if he's asleep, why shouldn't you be asleep? you just smiled and settled more into the couch.

you did say "whatever helps you sleep at night", but you didn't mean it like that! you wouldn't dare take it for granted though. evenings like this are so valuable. <3

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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