part fifteen - "what are you watching?" (short, sfw)

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cw for mentions of mental health

you and schlatt are very much polar opposites. he's always taking the bit too seriously, you're a goofy airhead. he likes business, you like nature. in personality-type terms, he's more thinking whereas you're more feeling. but you know what they say, opposites attract!

you decided on having a lazy day in bed. well, you didn't really decide. you couldn't bring yourself to get out of bed today, and that's okay. schlatt gave you your space - not that you necessarily wanted it, but he's a free man, he can do what he wants.

you took this opportunity to watch some things you know he doesn't get into too much - nature documentaries. it's not that he doesn't like them, he just wouldn't choose them over.... anything else. if this says anything, you guys bonded over watching shark tank. he watches it for the business aspect, you watch it to complain about the pitches that make no sense or sound dumb. you both end up tearing the show to shreds, but you have fun. it's kind of you guys' thing.

you put on the most boring science-heavy nature documentary you could find and got comfy in bed. the movie droned on and on about anatomy of sealife and the chemistry of the ocean. oh yeah, that's the stuff.

some time had passed, you were around halfway done with the movie. you heard footsteps down the hallway between you guys' room and the rest of the house. next thing you know, schlatt was in the doorway.

"hey!" you said to him as he awkwardly stood in the doorway. he was too busy staring at the tv. "oh, uh, hey babe." he redirected his attention to you. "so... uh... i know you aren't feeling the best today, but i.. uh.. what's the word? missed you?.. do you mind if i join you for a while?" he asked shyly.

you playfully rolled your eyes and smiled. "i suppose you could come lay with me, if that's what you want-" you said, getting cut off by schlatt all but jumping into bed next to you. you had to laugh.

he scooted himself right next to you and started watching the tv. he pretended to be interested for a while - keyword: pretend.

"god, babe, really, what are you watching?" he barely asked without yawning. you began to explain what had happened so far before schlatt decided he just.. didn't wanna know. he disguised it as him stretching out, when really he was rolling over on top of you. he nuzzled his face into your chest and pulled you close to him.

you just looked down at him, not sure what just happened. schlatt, a very 'keep your cool' kinda guy, going baby-mode on you. it's truly a rare sight. "don't mind me, really, pretend i'm not here. just let me have this." he said quietly.

you laid there feeling content and honestly a little sleepy. you jumped a bit, however, as you felt schlatt's hand start lightly grazing your cheek. you looked down. he was asleep. you couldn't believe it, honestly.

you were careful not to wake him as you readjusted yourself. you didn't wanna go fully numb while your big-baby-boy was asleep on you. he fell into deep sleep with his head on your chest and his hand cupping your face and, really, he looked at peace.

maybe you weren't the only one in need of a quiet day in bed.

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