🌹 t w e n t y t h r e e

Start from the beginning

"I don't know who you are but something tells me you're more dangerous than you look." Mr. Horny smirked. Is he still trying to seduce her?

"Thank you." Aiyana thanked him once again for saving her. "I'll take him from here."

"It's chaos out there you know." He said once Aiyana stood in front of the man, the mask still on her fingers.

"Are you like part of the mafia or something?" She didn't know how to ask the words 'are you one of Aidoneus' men' because she didn't know if this man is an enemy. But if he was, he wouldn't have saved her. And he would've hurt her right then.

"I can't tell you that beautiful." He paused. "Actually, I could tell you. Over a cup of coffee?" His flirty smirk appeared once more and he has one dimple. Aidoneus has two, on each side of his face, she thought smugly.

She almost scoffed. She ignored him and placed the mask of the phantom on the man's face. She has a plan. A plan that would anger Aidoneus but she didn't have a choice. She apologized to Aidoneus in her head a million times. And speaking of Aidoneus, she hoped he was not yet done killing those men she sent for him because she still wasn't done there. She needs to hurry up. With that thought, she tried to carry the limp form of the man but she remembered he weighed like a pig and huffed, blowing strands of her hair out from her face.

"Do you need some help beautiful?" She gazed at Mr. Horny to see him already looking at her with an indecipherable look. Probably wondering why she was trying to carry a dangerous man four times her size.

"Uhm. No. I'm alright." She tried carrying him once again, his left arm looping around her shoulders. She failed.

"I don't like to see women suffering."

"I'm not suffering. Agh!" She tried to lift the man by his shoulders only for the both of them to fall. She could hear Mr. Horny's footsteps. He stopped and crouched down to see her breathing heavily.

"Right. You aren't suffering. You're struggling. Those words rhymed but they also have the same meaning." He teased, smirking.

"Okay. Fine. Could you please get him off me?" If Aidoneus knew about this, he would certainly go mad.

"Sure beautiful."

"Which floor?" He'd asked when they were in the elevator.


Mr. Horny accompanied her to the room she chose on the 25th floor. She knew Aidoneus was still there. She also knew this was where Aidoneus had last seen the phantom.

They tied the man into a chair and Aiyana made sure the mask was on his face.

"Thank you." She sincerely spoke.

"You're welcome. I don't mean to pry but what exactly are you doing?" He asked, amusement lacing his voice. She tore the hem of her gown and made a makeshift duct tape to cover the man's mouth.

"I can't really tell you." She said and he nodded as if he understood.

"Alright. Good luck beautiful. It was nice meeting you although I still hope we could talk over some coffee..." He let the sentence trail off and Aiyana laughed because he was trying so hard. With a last smirk on her way, Mr. Horny left her.

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