"Hi." was all I could muster as a greeting to her.

She looked confused at my presence. "I thought we voted that groupies had to wait out front like all the other fans? Only family and close friends back stage?"

The way she said family made it clear she mean members of The Families.

I looked down at the soda in my hand wanting to disappear. James let out a laugh that I would almost call a cackle. My eyes shifted up to see if he was okay and then focused on Tyler. He untangled himself from her vice grip and rolled his eyes. Brenna looked annoyed at not being in on the apparent joke.

Tyler looked annoyed at Brenna. "This is James' cousin Alex. You know the one he's been saying was moving here for the last four months. You were around for a few of the summers she spent here."

James had come to stand by me while Tyler was speaking. He put an arm around my shoulder and squeezed me into his side, "Sorry that Arianna Grande over here didn't realize that you are family. Alex, not sure if you remember that the Munro's dad married Brenna's mom."

Her voice sounded sweetly acidic, "Sorry Alex."

She looked like she wanted to kill Tyler and possibly me next.

I nodded, "Hey. Your last name is still Evans right? You have a sister too?"

"Yep. Sorry I didn't recognize you. Feels like ages since you used to follow Elle and I around like a lost puppy when Dylan wouldn't let you follow him."

Excuse me Bitch? No.

There was a reason I hated most people. I straightened up and smiled, "Really? Hmm. Don't remember that part. I just remember you begging me to hang out at my aunt's house so you could stalk, how'd you put it... Oh yeah, 'my hotter than Takis' cousins."

James and Tyler burst into laughter. I noticed a small twitch in her eye as she tried to not to show any emotion.

"Hmm. Can't say I remember that. I was also a preteen; so who knows what stupid shit came out of my mouth?"

"Yeah, you would think you would stop saying such stupid shit by now, right?"

Her eyes were about ready to pop out of her head. I might be quiet at first but this bitch just figured out how to set off my ticking time bomb.

Tyler could tell it was time to break it up. He started to speak but James beat him to it. "So what did you think of Running With Scissors Alex?"

I had to process that one. "What?"

"Our band?" Brenna said it like I should just know that was what the RWS meant. It was good to finally know though.

I kept my eyes on Tyler. "Y'all were great."

He smirked and in an over exaggerated accent said, "Well are y'all stayin' to hang out here more or are y'all comin' with us?"

I rolled my eyes dramatically but let James answer for us, "No we're going to stick around for the next set. Don't want to overwhelm Alex her first night here with all you fucks."

They bro-hugged it out and Tyler hugged me goodbye. Brenna just glared. So much for picking up that childhood friendship where it left off? Was her sister this bad?

It wasn't long after that it was just James and me. We hung out listening to a band called Train Station. All I wanted to do was pester my cousin with questions about Tyler and Brenna and gorgeous Camera Boy. I also wondered how could a guy who seemed so nice like Tyler be with a girl like that? I wanted to text Patrick all about it but I wasn't sure if that would just be weird? Plus I didn't want to admit to anyone from back home that I was actually enjoying my first night here on Planet Cabbage.

My Life In Pieces (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now