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Diana's POV
This pregnancy passed by quickly before I knew it my due date was here. No sign of baby so the day passed and just as I was falling asleep into Sebs arm I feel an uncomfortable pain. I wince and Sebastian sits up to look at me.
"You okay? Do we need to go to the hospital!" He asked.
"No just some pain, but it'll pass" I shook it off.

It did not in fact pass and later that night i found myself on my way to the hospital with a nervous Sebastian. He parked the car and carried me in yelling for help. I was put on a wheelchair and wheeled to a room. Many excruciating pains later I was pushing a baby as hard as I could. It took every single energy left in me to finally push her out. A cry was heard in the room and Sebastian stood there frozen holding my hand.
"Go, make sure she's okay" I told him.
He walked over and cut the cord and followed the nurses with the baby.
Sebastian's POV
I followed the nurses Into a different room where they gave my little girl a bath. I just stood there in awe of this little thing that I got to call mine. When they were finished they let me hold her and bring her back to her mommy. She nuzzled into my chest and it was all it took for my heart to be taken again. I never wanted to look away for the fear of missing anything. I walked back into the room toward Diana and sat on the bed with her. I handed her our little butterfly and we just laid there admiring her little features.
"What are we naming her" I asked.
"What about Lina" she said.
"I love that" I smiled.

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Sebstan: Lina Teresa Stan🦋Tagged: @ DianaStan 670k likes|500k comments

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Sebstan: Lina Teresa Stan🦋
Tagged: @ DianaStan
670k likes|500k comments

Username: That is so cute!

Lizolson: she adorable 🥺

TomH: i can already tell that Spider-Man is gonna be her favorite☺️

ChrisEvans: she's beautiful

Username3: a mini Stan ( ha! Get it)

ScarJo: look at those cute little fingers😭

ChrisH: you did good mate

RennerJ: told you she'd be cute



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DianaStan: Lina Teresa Stan🦋Tagged: @ Sebstan 650k likes|400k comments

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DianaStan: Lina Teresa Stan🦋
Tagged: @ Sebstan
650k likes|400k comments

AriGrande: cutieeee❤️

GoRamirez: I wanna hold my Lina

Username9: she's too precious

Javi-J: Nena hermosa!

Tiago_: sobrina querida🥺

CeciliaS: hermosura❤️

Username4: i wanna hold her 😫

VeroCas: my little butterfly❤️

Cchavez: se parece un poquito más a su papa . Niña de mis ojos🥺

Nena hermosa= pretty girl
Sobrina querida= dearest niece
Hermosura= prettiest
Se parece un poquito más a su papa. Niña de mis ojos.= she looks a little bit more like her dad. Girl of my eyes

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