Real life

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Sebastian's POV
I haven't heard from Diana since our anniversary, that was a week ago. I've been going insane calling and texting anyone who might know where she is. I was just about to call Diego when my doorbell rang. I went to go open and there was a man with a yellow envelope, he handed it to me and left with out a word. Weird. I closed the door and went to sit on the couch. I opened the envelope and there was a small stack of papers.

Lawyer: Eric Suarez
Client: Diana Ramirez, 15
Parent/guardian: N/P (not present)

What the hell! What is this? Why would someone send me legal documents on Diana. I kept reading on what the document was about. She had pressed charges on someone and they had apparently gone to court. A man named Ian Hill, for...

Sexual assault on a minor.
Minor has proven Ian Hill, 29, has been sexually abusing her for 5 years. Proof includes a rape kit and audio. Therefore he is proven guilty and sentenced to life.
Date: June 6th, 2004

Oh my god. Shit. Is this why she's gone? Who would send these? Wha kind of person would be so sick to use these against her? I grabbed my phone off the table and called Diego, he'd know for sure.
After my call with Diego I'd taken in everything he'd said. He'd said she hasn't been talking to anyone and that they both knew something like this might happen. He doesn't remember much during that time seeing as he was under 5 for most of the time. He does remember seeing his sister cry a lot though and push everyone she could away, even Veronica. Who I'd learned was the one to help her get proof. Her and her older sister knew and were guiding Diana towards telling the police. 5 fucking years. What a sick bastard. She must be destroyed knowing this is out there. Embarrassed. But why? She was just a kid she didn't know what was happening and even if she did it Wasn't HER fault. And her parents where were they? Diego says they don't really see their mom and they've never met their dad. He said for all of his life it's been his sisters face he's seen. I need to talk to her, make sure she's okay.

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