"Okay girls, we have a huge villain problem. Uraraka and Asui, time to see what you know, let's go and put your costumes!" She said running out. You four got up and put on your costumes quickly and ran out too.

'I need to apologize soon'


"What's the situation Ryoku?" You said through an earpiece. You were flying with Uraraka and Asui hanging on your arms.
"Two villains fighting, both with giantification quirks! You and Nejire-Chan go and attack first," Ryukyu said. Nejire and you nodded as you turned into your dragon form, flipping the two girls on your back and Nejire flew next to you.
"Over there!" Asui pointed to the two villains fighting.

"Let's go Tsu!" Uraraka grabbed Asui and they both jumped off of your back.
"Spiral Surge!" Nejire shouted shooting energy waves at the giant villains.
'Electric Dive!" You charged with lighting, dived in and tackled one of them as Nejire took the other down.
"Power moves! Meteor!" Uraraka released some rubble as Asui grabbed them with her tongue.

"Frog!" Asui throw the rubble at the villains, making them unconscious.
"Wow you two were really calm at the moment there!" Nejire said happily.
"Very awesome to see you two fight again," you smiled softly.
"Great job you two , you make great assets, Nejire you got more stronger over the few months, and (Y/N) you remembered about your training," you nodded and grinned.

"Student or not, you three are really great, and we may even bring you to the new case we got," Ryukyu said.
"Really? What case?" Uraraka asked.
"(Y/N) may already know. Nighteye, former sidekick of Allmight, suggested to team up to solve the investigation and takedown of a Yakuza group. (Y/N) had taken a video of them discussing it with the League of Villains," She said as you nodded.

"Is that why you were late?" Asui asked shocked.
"Yeah, but they didn't see me, at least not that I know of, so far they don't have any track with me," you explained to them.
"And that's good, we don't want you to go missing right?" Ryukyu joked, making you chuckle slightly.



"You two go ahead back, I have to get more ingredients for Sato," you told them. They nodded and walked off as Nejire walked up to you.

"Hey (Y/N)," you said nothing as you grabbed your bag and looked at her.
"I wanted to say, I'm sorry for asking that sensitive question when we first met. I was just very happy to see your class, and I ask rude questions when I do, I forgot about the things that happened to you," she said looking down and pressing her fingers together.

"I was insensitive, and you must've felt really terrible, I know I am, so I wanted to apologize, please forgive me!" She pleaded bowing down. You stared at her for a moment and then patted her head, smiling.
"It's fine Nejire, you were just asking questions, not meaning to sound rude, but do realize that you might feel mad at someone if they ask the same," you told her.

"So you forgive me?!" She asked hopefully. You nodded.
"Yeah, and always know to think about what you say," Nejire giggles and hugged you.
"Ryukyu told me that too! You're just like her! But smaller and cuddly!" She said, making you blush.
"Y-yeah, thanks," you said.

She let go and smiled.
"So I have to head back, be safe!" She ran down the street. You turn the corner and walked to the shop to get eggs and flour for Sato. Your phone ringed and you picked it up to see Aizawa's name on the screen.
"Hello?" You said grabbing fresh eggs.

"(Y/N), you're being late again to the dorms," he said tiredly.
"I know, but I just got to the store to get things for one of my classmates," you explained giving the cashier your money and walking out of the store.
"Please (Y/N), you have to stay in groups, ever since Allmight's retirement there's been an increase of villainy as you saw." He said.

"Yeah, but don't worry I can easily escape from them, you worry dad," you joked. He grumbled through the phone.
"Don't call me that," he stopped for a moment.
"Unless you want a punishment (Y/N)," You stopped and blushed at his husky voice.
"A-Aizawa-Sensei! You can't say that!" You said embarrassed.

"Why not? You're old enough," he chuckled, making you shiver.
"More like too old," you said bluntly.
"Still, you have to get back, I'm worried (Y/N)," he said a little more stern. You made your way pass a dark alleyway.
"Don't worry, I'm almost-" A crash was heard from the alleyway and a child's cry was heard. You stopped and turn to see in.

"(Y/N)? You okay?" You heard Aizawa asked.
"Yeah, I just heard a lost kid, hold on," you stared in the alleyway, feeling compelled to walk in. You did and called out for the kid.
"Hello? Are you a child? You can come out," you said softly.
"(Y/N), please get back to the dorms, get out of the alleyway," Aizawa said sternly with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Hello?" You didn't hear him. The child's cry was louder and you peaked to see a small girl huddled in a corner crying.
"Hey, are you okay?" You asked worriedly. She said nothing as she looked up at you with fear and sadness in her red eyes.
"I'm sorry," was all she said as you felt an arm wrapped around you and something covered your eyes.

You let out a roar as you struggled to get out of grip from the assailant.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Where are you?! What's going on?!" Aizawa said as you dropped the phone the person crushed the phone with his foot.
"Let go you eel!" You hissed as someone else licked up the kid and you felt a something poke your skin and something being injected into your bloodstream.

You immediately felt woozy and another person walking up to you, with a familiar mask on his face. You drooped your eyes, close to pass out as a hand lifted your head to see the familiar mask man.
"Hello, Dragon Hero," Then you passed out, not without one thing on your mind.

'Help me,'

A Dragon's Trust | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now