He's the One (sterek)

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It had been difficult at first. Then the problem had increased, becoming quite persistent. Derek felt like the situation had been inescapable, where he was forced to endure it no matter how much damage it did to him. And, of course, he kept all this to himself for Stiles' sake.

To see Stiles with Andrew, of all people, was not something Derek ever wished for. His older brother had cared for Stiles, had undeniably liked him. But that was not enough for Derek to be completely happy for them. He knew it was horribly selfish and unsupportive, but what could he do when it came to how he felt about Stiles?

And they were so good-looking together. It hurt Derek in a way he had never conceived possible. It was as if they were simply meant to be together, to stay together for good. And in all frankness, it was not as if there was much of a physical difference between him and Andrew. Him and his brother were both tall, both strong with muscle, deep black hair, so why did Stiles not choose him?

Why not me, Derek had asked himself over and over.

It had gone on and on, unending in a way that seemed to say this was now reality for good. But then Andrew and Stiles had broken up. Once he was able to look back, he realized their relationship had not been all that long, only a few months. But the time during had felt like a solid century, with no way of ever ending.

Derek was not exactly aware of when he had fallen in love with Stiles. He was unlike any other man out there. He exemplified kindness in everything he did, with everyone he met. Fully gorgeous, but that was beside the point because Stiles was the best example of how to be a good human being.

They had started hanging out recently. Stiles had left them alone after the break-up to give Andrew space, but now enough time had gone away for things to return back to simplicity. Derek saw that it was close to being a difficult line to tread, but he needed to be with Stiles, even if it was just as friends. But he should have known it wouldn't have worked this way.

He had reached the end of the thread. They were hanging out at Stiles' place, watching TV and relaxing, while Derek felt ready to explode. Then Stiles shifted closer to him on the couch to where their shoulders brushed softly, seemingly just out of friendship, but Derek could not handle this any longer. He jerked away and Stiles noticed immediately.

"I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this, hanging out with you," Derek said.

Stiles looked at him in utter surprise, then morphed his features into remorse.

"Why?" Stiles questioned, a small tone of hurt in his voice.

And now Derek had no choice but to tell him the truth, the thing he had been hiding from him. He didn't even want to keep it a secret at this point.

"I like you more than just a friend," Derek said.

Derek stood up. He was preparing to leave. This was what he had seen coming and had feared the entire time. Things were going to end, unable to be helped. And then Stiles stood up as well and stopped him with his words.

"Kiss me," Stiles said, breathing lightly.

He felt things change completely. Derek did not feel an ounce of apprehension as he surged forward, engulfing Stiles in his arms and kissing him. Derek's chest rose heavily up and down against Stiles. When he let go, Stiles remained attached to him.

"Please don't freak out or leave, I want this," Stiles said to him.

"I do too, for so long," Derek said.

They stayed quiet for several minutes, simply holding each other and realizing this was what they both wanted. Derek was utterly in shock that this was how things had gone, but then pushed it away because Stiles felt the same way. He wanted to be with him just as much. When Stiles saw a bit of worry in Derek's eyes, he spoke up, knowing what he was concerned about.

"Don't worry, Andrew will understand," Stiles said.

When they told him two weeks later, he handled it surprisingly well. He even wished them a happy relationship and Derek felt relieved that his older brother approved; he had been worried Andrew would be angry at him for dating his ex. They had a separate talk afterwards, discussing if it would be weird or awkward, but they came to an understanding. Andrew was fully over Stiles, and things were good.

Derek and Stiles later went out for a movie. As they walked along the sidewalk near the theater, next to the trees with lights wrapped around them, he held Stiles' hand in his own, feeling at once that this was completely right, and it was.

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