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Hello I'm mrcanoe.. In this story

The story set after Luigi's mansion:Dark moon, and In Luigi's mansion 3

The time in this story is Mostly nighttime.. So no days activities, Since Boo is a ghost.. And ghost can't stand morning.. So i make my story like that, i want to feel like its the logic more make sense, like in ErrorDark stories

(Y/N): is Us the reader.. And other will include some detail later

King boo is the King of the boos, recently received a Power that can transform him into Human form

This story in inspired by ErrorDark, thanks to them.. I got the spirit to wrote this

Warning:this story will included some sexual activities, Lemon or smut for Age +18,

Also included some Suicidal moment

The story perspective is POV(Person Of View)

I'm sorry for any miss grammar or spelling in this story

[Luigi's mansion] King boo X Fem reader(bit suicidal) Lemon included(completed)Where stories live. Discover now