That wired dream that wont let me sleep

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I had a dream last night. And it was.... weird, very weird. Here it is..
I was doing my homework, Chinese homework. It was hard to memorize the small symbols on the page but I tried knowing it was good for me. My mom was making dinner, and my dad was watching television, they were both very loud. But suddenly it became silent, completely silent. I walked out of my room to check what was going on, i looked in the kitchen and saw that my mom had just stopped, not even moving! The oil wasn't making noise. The time had stopped
I ran into the living room and saw my dad sitting on the couch, not moving, the television not moving. Even the people outside had stopped and weren't moving.
I then heard a pop sound behind me, I jumped and looked behind me
"What the-"
the hermits (not all)looking back at me, smiling
Xisuma, Mumbo, Iskall, Stress, False, Cleo, Biffa, Beef, Keralis, Ren, Doc, Bdubs, Tango, Impulse, Scar, Jevin, Wels and yeah Grian that was sitting on the floor with Maui and pearl.
"Hello *****" X greeted me (***** is me censoring my name)
"Why do you know my name!? And why are you here!? And-" I got cut off
"Shhh, I know it's confusing, time has stoppped and a bunch of people you don't know are standing in front of you" Iskall told me
"No! Of course I know who you are, your the hermits! I'm such a big fan" I said like it was the best day ever, I probably was
"Iskall I told you!" X hissed looking back at Iskall
"Now to the point, we want to stay some days if that's alright with you" X told me crouching down to my level, he didn't have to crouch much since I am very tall of my age
"I mean sure! I don't mind" I told them, not worrying about anything else
"Thanks! Oh and just so you know, don't walk in a room when a door is closed, somebody could be making out" X whisper to me while everybody else explored the big mansion (I don't live in a mansion in real life)
Except for Grian, he just played with Maui and pearl
"X! Come choose our room!" Biffa shouted from afar
"Coming!" X shouted back and ran over to Biffa
~time skip~
Everything was going alright, people kissing, gaming, getting in the dance mood and starting parties, good I would say.
All the hermits were all so kind and caring, it was so different meeting them in person! They would do everything with me so that I didn't get bored and stuff, sometimes I find them kissing in my room, then I'll run and get away.
They all are so different from each other, each couple have their own role:
Biffa and X don't go too far and stop when they think it's enough, they can get carried away tho, they really like to cuddle!
Ren and Doc are more flirty and make out everywhere..
Stress and Iskall snuggle a lot but doesn't make out too much, That's sweet!
Tango, Bdubs and Impulse flirt a lot but don't always seem to do anything too wrong, they do make out a lot but I don't care!
Mumbo and Grian seem to be a little more careless but not as much as Ren and Doc
Cleo and False are always in the mood of teasing, sometimes they take it too far tho.. then they use vibrators..😬
Wels and Jevin are more cuddly and cute, They do also make out, just not too much
Then there are Beef and Keralis who are single, they hang out but never flirt

But this one night, they were really in the mood of flirting and teasing..
It was pretty peaceful. I was playing minecraft when I heard arguing
I ran to the room the arguing came from.
"None of the bottoms can top!"
"Yes we can! Shut up!"
"Then prove it!"
Well this was a mess, I though
I sat down next to Keralis who wasn't a part of the fight and asked him what had happened
"Well we played truth or dare, then False dared Cleo to top her, but Doc said that bottoms can't top" he whispered into my ear
"Oh.. clever of you not to join" I whispered back
"Spank you!" He replied cheerfully arching his back
The "fight" became more intense
Then it became more intense by Cleo trying to top False but getting out of control
Then Ren try's to top Doc but fails instantly
Wels is next, he actually did a good job and lasted for quite some time
That didn't go with Xisuma, he gets topped after a second
The others were at the same level, lasting for a bit, then getting topped
The whole situation turns into a hot mess, hermits gasping and panting
"Come on" I whisper to Beef and Keralis
As the two friends go out of the room I stay and look at them for a bit
But then they look at me like I'm at Threath to them
"Get her." Doc simply says, then everyone gets up and starts chasing me!
They then catch me and pull me onto a bed, then they tie me and then something weird happened.
Hey began to sing, well some of them, some weren't even chasing me. All the tops were chasing except mumbo, and all the bottoms were trying to get me free

That was the end.
I can't sleep.
I have school tommorow.
Help me-

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