The pick up line day (so many ships)

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Ok so pretend that Biffa and wels are both in season 7
Third person view
It was the yearly pick up lines day! 2 years ago X announced that there would be a yearly pick up line day, it was a huge success the last 2 years so they continued. It's basically a day where you get to say a lot of pick up lines, the more the better
Mumbo's POV
I was at my boyfriend: Grian's base, he was working on something in his base. He then came running over and hugged me,
"Are you a camera? Cause every time I see you, I smile!" He told me
"Heh, good one" I said to him
"Should we go for a walk?" He asked me
"Yeah! Sure" I answered and got up kissing Grian on the forehead
We walked out of Grian's giant mansion and walked around the jungle, we walked past melons, trees leaves and tree branches
"Woah!" I shouted as I fell on a rock
"Hey Grian, do you have a band-aid? Cause I scratched my knee falling for you!" I said, still on my knees
Grian helped me up and rolled his eyes with a smile on his lips
We walked further into the jungle and saw a parrot
"PESKY BIRD!" Grian shouted running over and killing the bird, getting a bird head and taking it on
He took it off again, I saw a bit of blood on his cheek so I wiped it away, Grian gave me a hug
"People say that people in Disney land are the happiest, clearly none of them have been in your arms" he told me, I laughed
Rens POV
I was with doc in his base reading a book, doc was playing with my hair swirling it around his finger or running his claws though it. It was kinda cold in docs base, I shivered a little
"Hey ren?" He said
"Yeah doc?" I answered looking back at him
He Looked me in the eyes
"Hello? Doc!" I said
"Do you have a map? cause I'm getting lost in your eyes" he said to me smirking
"Pick up line?" I asked him
"Yeah.." he replied
"Anyway, you look cold, wanna use me as a blanket?" he asked me kissing me on my cheek
"It is quite cold here, yeah sure!" I said confidently knowing that was also a pick up line
He seemed to be suprised but then smiled and pulled me to lay down, he then layed besides me, he knew that I would get crushed if he layed on top of me. He then wrapped his arms and legs around me (sorry that's short, I don't have many ideas for RenDoc, I don't watch them😓)
Iskall's POV
I'm in the bar with stress, talking
"My buddies think I can't start a conversation with the prettiest girl in the bar, wanna buy a drink with their money?" I asked stress
"Heh sure!" She answered blushing a bit
I go buy us a drink each, I give one to stress but a guy comes up and accedently touched shoulders with stress accusing her to drop her drink. Tho she doesn't seem to be bothered
"You owe me a drink, cause I dropped my drink when I looked at you!" She told me smirking
"Good one" I complimented even tho it was a lie
She seemed to be lost, she didn't move or care about the fact that there were guys screaming just some feet away from us
"Are you a wizard? Cause when I look at you everything else disappears" she said smiling softly
"Nope, but scar is" I answered
"He doesn't have the power to have every disappear when his boyfriend looks at him" stress told me
That made me blush even more, we went to the park and bought two hotdogs to eat
Xisumas POV
Biffa and I were hanging out at Biffa's base, usually hanging out for us means, we'll uh kissing and cuddling. Basically making out, I was right now on Biffa's lap
"I was feeling a little today, but you definitely turned me on!" Biffa told me
That made me blush a little, I had missed that nobody could see when I blush cause I had me helmet on, tho I don't mind anymore
"Is there a airport nearby or is it just my heart taking off?" I asked Biffa kissing him on the forehead
"Your good at this!" Biffa complimented me
"Thanks" I said
We continued to cuddle and chatting
"Your body is 65 procent water and guess what?" Biffa asked me
"Hm? What?"
"I'm thirsty" he said tickling me, one of my known weaknesses
"B-Biffa! Stop, I-it tickles!" I said though laughed
He stopped and took out his communicator, he then snapped a picture of me and wrote something
"What is it?" I asked him
"Just snapped a photo to prove that angles do exist" he answered showing me the photo with some text on it saying my little sweet angle, he had photoshopped my helmet on so that the other hermits couldn't see my face
That made me blush, like a lot, so I gave him a kiss
Wels's POV
Jevin isn't here on the server right now, I really miss him! I am currently texting him

Welsknight: miss u <3
IJevin: miss u too! Can't wait to be home
Welsknight: have you been to the doctor lately? I think your missing some vitamin me
IJevin: yeah, I definetly don't have egnough vitamin U
Welsknight: <3
IJevin: how's the pick up line day going?
Welsknight: pretty well, Biffa has proved that there are angles on the server, he send us a pic of x
IJevin: ohhhh, Ive always shipped them!
Welsknight: me too
IJevin: forget about Superman, Batman, and Ironman. I'll be your man!
Welsknight: awww, I love u so much
IJevin: I love u too <3

It's weird how Jevin is so far away, but I still feel like he's just besides me, I would be so happy if he would come back soon

Hey.. so Ive though about some pick up lines and made a one shot out of it :p
I hope you like it!

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