Who was that? 1?

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Biffas POV
I was in my room when I heard X talk to somebody, I didn't care at first but then it became fishy... what I could hear was:
"Oh yeah, I remember! You looked hilarious! But also cute"
"Wha- no way! That's so cool! No YOUR so cool"
I became suspicious but didn't move until I heard those words
"Love you! Bye"
Had X gotten another boyfriend!? I heard X giggle from his room, so cute..
I rushed into X's room and saw him on his bed sitting criss cross smiling.
"What was that?" I asked rudely
"What was what?" X asked looking at me confused
"Don't play dumb with me, Xisuma" I hissed at him walking closer
"Bu- wha- what are you talking about? I don't understand!" He said as a scared expression formed on his face
I just ok off his helmet, I already knew how he looked so it was no big deal. I looked into his eyes as his pupils becomes smaller in a sign of that he is scared.
"Who. Was. That. Guy?" I asked now leaning a bit over him
"What guy?!"
Xisumas POV
Oh god. Biffa had never shouted at me like that before, it hurt seeing him like this but I couldn't help but smile and giggle as tears formed in my eyes
"Biff.. t-that was just ex.." I said to him
He didn't seem to understand and instead of apologizing, he pinned me harshly to the bed his face only inches from mine
"So.. you got back with you're ex huh? I though you said to me that you didn't love him anymore"
"No. X, this is your chance.. creak up with me. Do it."
That shattered my heart. Seeing Biffa mad at me could kill me If I'd let it. More tears started forming and I couldn't hold them no longer
"Bi-Biffa..! You don't understand.. you- you.. that was EX! Evil X! My b-brother silly!" I said though tears and sobs
That changed Biffas expression completely. He went from an angry and hateful expression to a soft but shocked expression.
He didn't hesitate at all and leaned in for a long lasting hug
"I'm so so so so sorry X.." he said softly
"I-it's ok.. but I want you to know, no matter what.. I'll always love you, ok?"
"Ok.. I'll always love you too X" he said giving me a kiss on the forehead and then picking me up making me sit on his lap and cuddle with him
"How can I ever make it up to you?" He asked
"Hmmm.. I know! You'll have to do some kind of 24 hours challenge! It's up to you which one" I said quickly cheering up
"Really~"he asked
"Yep! That would be fun wouldn't it?"
"It would indeed.. I already know which one I'm gonna do.." Biffa said with a sultry mine
"Hm? Which one?" I asked

"Being flirty for 24 hours challenge.."

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