Scared (boomers)

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So, this is a season 7 thing and if you don't know who the boomers are they are Tango, Impulse and Bdubs forming a group where they explode things
Tangos POV
Today me and the rest of the boomers decided to go to the theme park, we were currently looking around when we saw a gigantic roller oyster with loops and all that stuff.
"Hey! Wanna go up there?" Impulse asks us pointing to the rollercoster
"What?- n-no!" I answer, I'm scared of heights
"Are you scared~?" Bdubs teases
"No I'm not! Just not in the mood.." I say not wanting to admit my fear
"If your not scared then prove it! Come on I'll go with you" Bdubs say to me smiling
"Fine.. I-I'll go" I muffle
As we walk up the stairs to the rollercoster I see how high we come up and begin being scared as I see a little impulse on the ground looking at us becoming even smaller than he was. Bdubs noticed this an tried to comfort me
"Awww.. Tango! Your shaking, are you scared? It's ok to be scared y'know" Bdubs says
"I'm not s-scared" I hiss
"Ok then, but remember everybody has fears" Bdubs tells me as he ruffs up my hair and scratches a little around my horns
We're now here and holy mother is it high up! The guard let us in the first cart, that makes me even more anxious and I begin biting my nails
"Babe, it's not good to bite your nails y'know" Bdubs says to me taking my hands away from my mouth
"Bdubs.. I-I'm scared" I admit
"Really? I though you sai-" I didn't let him finish, he was just going to tease me anyways
"Yeah, yeah! If you don't have any comforting words then I would be pleased if you shut up" I hiss at him
He sees that up I'm kinda mad and an instant regret expression appear on his face
"Sorry bae, I shouldn't have.. y'know what? I'm scared of bees!" Bdubs admit with a tint of pink on his cheeks
"Wait, so your scared of Xisum-"
The rollercoaster begins to move, that makes me gasp and crumble up a little
Bdubs notice and take my hand and squeezed it to comfort me, to be honest it work! The rollercoaster move up and up to a very high point where we can see the whole theme park, I look down and see that Impulse is waving at us from his spot.
I waved back and look at Bdubs who is enjoying the view. The rollercoaster stop, we are now at the highest point of the theme park and I am really nervous! I let out a squeak
"It's gonna be ok" Bdubs tells me squeezing my hand again
"I hope so" I reply before the rollercoaster begins to move
It slowly begins to collect speed and just a second after we are at full speed racing down to the ground, it is really intense but I don't scream, Bdubs is holding my hand which makes me feel more safe.
Then we reached the end and everybody stepped out, I feel like my legs can't hold me up and Bdubs definetly sees it too, so he comes over and picked me up making me yelp and blush.
We walked to Impulse who was looking at us smiling
"How was it babe?" He ask me bending down a little
"It was.. scary but I could handle it, only because Bdubs was holding my hand" I answer
"Ohh~ So Bdubs was your hero? So sweet of him" he says looking at Bdubs then kissing him on the neck making Bdubs look away and blush
"Come on, let's go home" Impulse say and we all agree

Pretty short, I wanted to make something about the boomers cause I love TNT and their friendship, it's just so cute🥺❤️

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