24 hours (part 2 of "who was that?")

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Hey I just wanted to warn you about something: ALOT OF FLIRTING AND YOU MAY HAVE NOSEBLEED..... just read at your own risk cause this is very flirty
"Tomorrow?" Xisuma asked his now boyfriend
"Why not? We have nothing to do anyways.. perfect for a challenge" Biffa told X
"Ok then, go to sleep now or else you won't have energy ok?" X told Biffa and cuddled up to him
"M'kay, goodnight"
Time skip (morning)
Xisumas POV
I wake up to the feeling of a headache.. oh no.. I hate headaches, I turn around seeing that Biffa is still sleeping. Wait. Isn't today the challenge day!? Oh my god.. I cuddle up to Biffa and close my eyes, I feel Biffa draw circles on my back and assume that he is awake.
"Good morning X~" Biffa said
"G-good morning Biffa.." I responded
"I have a headache.. do we still have medicine?" I asked, apparently I suffer from some kind of illness that causes headaches, Scar knows a lot about that and had given me some medicine to take.
"Yeah, I'll go grab some" Biffa said getting up and walking out of the room
Has he forgotten the challenge? I though, no Biffa hardly forgets anything! He can't forget the challenge.
"Here you go" I hear Biffa say as he walks into the room again
He gives me the pill and some water to swallow it with, I take the pill and the water and hummed a quick thanks before putting the pill in my mouth and drinking some water.
"Today is a very special day, remember the challenge?" Biffa asked as he sat besides me
"Yeah.. I remember" I answered
He pulled me into a hug and murmured something I couldn't hear
"Do you feel better?' He asked me
"Not yet the pill needs time"
He kissed me on the forehead and put let go of me
"I'll make breakfast" he said and got up
"Ok" I replied also getting up

Biffa went to make food while I get dressed (can we pretend that the hermits also have other outfits?) I put on a green hoodie and some grey jeans.
I walk out of the bedroom and see breakfast on the table, but no Biffa.
Then out of nowhere! Biffa came from behind and grabbed me by my waist and pull me close
"Your clothes look nice today.. y'know where they would look nicer?" He whispered in my ear giving me a shiver down my spine
"N-no where..?"
"Piled up besides my bed.." he whispered making me almost break down
"Is this a part of the challenge?" I asked him
"Yes it is" he said kissing my neck
"Nghh.. can we just eat? I'm hungry" I chocked
"Alright then" Biffa answered fluffing up my hair gently but fast
We then sat at the table and began to eat, Biffa had made waffles with sausages on the side, and some fruit to top off. It was one of my favorite! Biffa watched me as we eat, making me feeling weird and stuff..
"What?" I muffled with a piece of banana in my mouth
"Oh nothing, just adoring you.." he murmured looking away blushing a bit, that made me blush as well.
We finished breakfast and it was my turn to do the dishes, that means I'll have to put them into the dishwasher and turn it on.
After that I went to see what Biffa was doing, I found him sitting on the floor
"What are you doing?" I asked him sitting beside him
"You said you felt welcoming on the floor in your sleep.. I'm testing" he replied
"I did what!?"
"Said that the floor felt like home"
"Ok? So how long are we going to be staying here?" I asked
But instead of answering me he leaned closer
"Your lips seem lonely, do the wanna meet mine~?" He asked in a low tone
"Ehh- uhm- n- I- wha- I-" I took a deep breath and tried again
"Y-yeah.. I think so" I chucked lightly
He leaned in and gave me a long, gentle kiss. As he felt I was ready, he got rougher and laid his one hand on my waist and the other on my hand. He then broke off the kiss and squeezed my hand a bit, then he got up
"Wanna go for a fly?" He asked offering a hand to help me up
"Sure! We have nothing to do anyways" I replied taking Biffas hand gratefully
I then put on my helmet and got some rockets, about a stack and a half, we wouldn't need that much but it's always good to have some extra.
We the flew off in the direction of the shopping district. We flew some circles around the shopping district and landed just beside a new shop that had opened today
"C-cafè?" I spelled
"Yup!" Biffa answers squeezing my hand a bit again
We walked in and saw this very nice looking room with attention to detail, paintings and tables! We then saw a Bdubs at the counter wearing some uniform that mached the building very well. He was in a white t-shirt with two light green bands going from his shoulders to his waist, he was wearing some light grey sweat pants and a cardigan tied around his waist also light green. And to top it off, a green hat on his fluffy hair
"Hey Bdubs!" Biffa said cheerfully
"Hey guys! What can I get for ya?" He asked us
"I would like a small cappuccino with no sugar please" Biffa told Bdubs
"What would you like babe?" Biffa asked me
Uh.. hmm.." I hummed looking at the large screen with all the things you could get
I looked down again, Bdubs seemed to be suprised of something
"What is it?" I asked gently
He didn't respond at first but then he finally got out some words
"B-babe!? You two are.." he looked deep in though
"YOU TWO ARE DATING!" He shouted at us with a very exited depression on his face
"Uh yes we are.. I though everybody knew.." Biffa muffled
"Omg omg! How long? How many dates? How many kisses? How many snuggles? HOW MANY CHILDREN AREE YOU GOING TO HAVE!?!?!" He screamed at us leaning forward
"B-Bdubs!" I shouted trying to make him stop
"Oh! S-sorry.. hehe" he coughed
"Are you two having children!." We heard a voice from behind us say
We looked behind us and saw Grian and mumbo holding hands staring at us with a smile
"G-grian! Mumbo!" I managed to get out
"Sorry! Nobody is having children.. heh.. just me.." Bdubs said with a hand on his cheek
"Can I order now?" I asked
"Sure! What would you like?" Bdubs asked
"I would like a mango flavored boba tea please"
"Cappuccino and mango boba comin right up!" He says cheerfully pushing some buttons
"I didn't know you two were dating" Grian says walking up to us
"Bdubs didn't know either" Biffa explains
"Your a couple too right?" I asked
"Yeah we've been dating for a 7 months now" Mumbo says fluffing up Grians hair
"Y'know if you want, we could make babies.." Biffa whispered in my ear loud egnough so that Grian and mumbo could hear us
"Ohhhhhh~~~~" Grian hummes
"B-Biffa!" I shout at him while he pulled me into a backwards hug
"Here you are! Your orders" we hear Bdubs say as we pay and go outside
"Biffa you pervert!" I whisper shout at him
"All a part of the challenge baby!" he cheerfully says sipping from his drink
We see Grian and Mumbo come out with their drinks and they spot us in the second that some out
"Xxx eyyyeee suuuuuuuuummaaaaaaaaaaa" Grian teased as he runs over discarding Mumbos hand
"Gggg aaaaaaaaa-riaaaaannn" I tease back
"Where are you going?" Grian asks us
"Home" Biffa simply replies
"To make babies~~?" Mumbo asks leaning closer
"N-no! We're jus-" I didn't finish but got cut off by Biffa
"Going to go make out" he says picking me up and flying away with me
"Biffa! I-I can fly myself!" I shout swinging my legs
"Hold still! You'll fall down!" Biffa tells me
Biffas POV
This challenge is actually a lot of fun! It's enjoyable to tease X, a lot. We were now home so I carried X to the bedroom so we could get away from the crazy couple, not hating them they're great!
"What was that for!?" X asked me trying to get out of my bear hug
"So we could get away from the-" I didn't finish, something was off.. there was something or some sound
"You hear that" i whispered
"What? It's probably nothing" he said in a convincing tone
"Yeah... probably.." i replied pulling him up on my lap and jerking him off a bit
I ran a hand up his body inside the hoodie earning small movements and small "nnghhh"s and "uhh"s we continued this

Grians POV
Mumbo and I have succeeded to sneak up to Biffa and X eye suma and we're now hiding behind the door looking at the pair make out as I try not to scream.
"They're so cute together aren't they" Mumbo whispered in my ear
"They aaareeee!" I whisper shouted
I felt like I was going to explode, but mumbo made sure I'd didn't by rubbing my back, that always calmes me down in any situation.
I looked at Mumbo with a exiled face expression, he looks at me smiling but then looking suprised
"Gri! You nose.. is bleeding!" He whispered turning me around so that I was facing him
"What- oh wow.." I touched my nose and saw that my fingertip was covered in blood
"Wait here ok Gri?"
"Ok" I replied turning my head upwards to stop the blood from falling to the floor

Xisumas POV
Biffa and I were ina make out session when we heard a voice
"Uh.. h-hey man.. sorry to disturb but, do you have um like some tissues?" We turned around and saw mumbo standing in the door opening
"M-mumbo!?" I chocked quickly getting out of Biffas lap, but he pulled me up again
"There are tissues over there" Biffa says tickling me a bit
"Biffa! S-sto-oop" I said though laughs
"Now tell me Mumbo, why are you and Grian here?" Biffa asked as he continued to tickle me
"Ahh.. well you see, This guy wanted to come see you guys make out" he says as he points at the door where Grian now was
"G-Gria-an! Biffa st-stoooopp" I laughed
"Ok, ok I'll stop" Biffa said stopping with the tickles
"So, will you guys stay?" I asked Grian and Mumbo as they fix all the blood
"Uh if you don't mind" Grian murmured having tissues all over his face
"Stay as long as you like" Biffa said cheerfully
"Well we can stay till hmm.. 9 o'clock m'kay babe?" He asks Grian softly
"Ok!" Grian replied cheerfully

We watched Netflix the rest of the night, Mumbo and Grian was really cute together! They kept laying kisses on each other's faces and saying things like "I love you" or "your so pretty" or just fluffing each other's hair up! Biffa did the same thing but he couldn't fluff up my hair cause I had my helmet on and I don't like taking it off in front of others than Biffa.
Grian had his head buried in Mumbos chest the most of the time cause it was a scary movie, I did the same thing as Grian and hid in the crook of Biffas neck. He took off my helmet even tho he knew I wasn't used to it
"Mmmhhh.." I hummed
"Shh... I know your not used to it but you'll have to anyway" Biffa comforted me
He then kisses me and fluffs up my hair

It is now 8:57 and Grian has fallen asleep, Mumbo says he's gonna carry him home so no big deal. I was very tired and just wanted to sleep, so Biffa and I snuggled up and fell asleep.

Holy mother! This chapter Is soooo long! 2047 words in total! I'm never writing this much flirt and so much text again in ONE story

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