Ch. 59- No Brain Cells Gang

Start from the beginning

" then how did you know about it?"

"I know people."

Mr. Cowboy Man, spare us your secrets.

"...odd, but alright. So all this time of Overhaul's escape being kept under wraps, he found a new team? There wasn't anything said about the former bullets being broken out."

"Most definitely. That crash on the bridge was a kamikaze mission; someone expendable. Overhaul would never have done it himself."

A silence fell over the table.

New villains... new quirks never seen before. No data or counter measures. All we know is Overhaul is alive and functioning, and after us.

"How are we gonna deal with the situation?"

"Lockdown the school and dorm buildings. Power Loader has installed new progamming into the security bots, so they can efficiently handle taking care of the students and their education as we, the teachers, recruit other pro heroes and the police force. Similarly to how we handled this situation before. We can develop more of a plan later on as well once we gain more contacts."

A simple glance around the table told me that those who were awake enough to completely process was Snipe had said was in a unanimous agreement. It was the safest way to handle this.

"The students have been through too much to get involved again."

With that, they all stood up and sluggishly separated to walk their seperate ways back to the teacher dorms.

But, as soon as the last person had left and I went to shut the door, I heard a light squeak and a swish outside the doorframe. It was sudden and fast, like lightning.

Quickly, I stuck my head out of it and looked around as best as I could, but found no one.

Must've been a hallucination.

With that, I pick up a drooling mic off the table, and drag him to our room.


Kaminari's POV

Really, it was weird.

Barely an hour ago, I was passed out at the table in the common room along with Hanta. I could barely make out the fuzzy words of my friends that passed through ear to ear while I was left in a hazey feeling; fully asleep but aware of my surroundings. Like if limbo was on acid at the middle of the night in the coziness of it's bed.

I had to carry Hanta up to my dorm since it was closest, no matter how gangly he was or how loud he snored. Everyone else that was at our table was already completely passed out. Everyone hung off each other's shoulders, or off the backs of their chairs. Only Bakugou was sleeping with his head on the table, and Kirishima slept on his back. It was adorable, so I had to take a picture to save as blackmail for later, buuuut, other than that...

It was weird that I was just.. walking up to Mr. Aizawa's room.

Maybe it wasn't too weird? I confided in him a lot once I returned from the League's hideout and found my way back at UA. No one would listen to me, much less believe me (except Kiri), but Aizawa listened and understood completely. Ever since he's had this calming aura around me and my trust in him has skyrocketed.

While You Were Busy Being Heterosexual, We Studied The Blade. (BNHA Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now