Chapter 3

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Sakura's pov
I wake up to alarm ringing I groan and I slap the alarm so it shuts up. I remember that I have to go see Tsunade. I get out off my bed and I walk downstairs to eat. As soon as I'm done eating I go to the bathroom and I brush my teeth and my hair. I put my hair in a bun and I walk upstairs as I get to my room I spot a photo. The team 7 picture I pick it up and I grip on to it from anger and I think to myself what has happened to team 7 who would have known that it, would fall apart. I place the photo down and I change in to my Anbu uniform lastly a take my mask and I place it over my face. I make hand sings and I appear in front of Tsunade's office. I knock and I hear her tired voice it looks like she has been working all night I open the door and I step inside the door shutting the door behind me. I bow and I ask.

Sakura: Hokage-sama you wanted to see me?
Tsunade: Yes I have a mission for you.
Sakura: What kind of mission if I may ask.
Tsunade: I want you to interrogate this man and find out where the Akatsuki has their hideout.
Sakura: Sounds easy enough will he be a problem to handle battle wise?
Tsunade: No he won't now you may leave your dismissed!
Sakura: Hai!

I bow and I leave the room and I see Naruto and Kakashi I bow in respect and I pass Naruto.

Naruto: I'm sorry for yesterday...
Sakura: Huh? Ohh that don't worry it's fine I have to leave have a good day.

I say fast and I leave to the gates. I get to the large gates and I leave the village. I hop on tree to tree when I finally spot the village I needed for my mission. The land of wind I enter the village and I look for the man yet I can't seem to find him so had to ask. I walk to a older lady and I ask her.

Sakura: Hello I don't want to bother you but do you know where this man is I need to talk to him.

I took a photo out off the man and she looked at it suspiciously and then said.

The lady: He lives deep in the forest and is most likely there since he doesn't like to socialize.
Sakura: Thank you and sorry to bother.

I say and I run to the forest after 25 minutes of running through the deep forest I finally spot a small wooden house. I hide my chakra and I look through the window and the lady was right he was sitting and reading. I take one of my poisoned needles and I aim at the side of his neck I throw it and it hits and the man collapsed. I walk to the door and I reached my hand on the door knob to my surprise it's open. I step inside still hiding my chakra. I tie the man up and I wake him up. He wakes up and when he realizes what happened a look off pure horror took over his face. He looks at me and said.

The man: I will do what ever you please but please have marcy.
Sakura: People like me don't have marcy now let me get this out the way I striked you with a poisoned needle. If you move the poison will spread if you don't answer I will throw a kunai knife at you understood?

He nodded in terror.

Sakura: Where is the Akatsuki' hideout?
The man: I don't know.
Sakura: Wrong answer.

I take a kunai out and I aim at his shoulder when it hits the man let out a scream of terror.

Sakura: I will ask you again where is the Akatsuki's hideout.
The man: You must have the wrong man I really don't know!
Sakura: Yet again wrong.

I take another kunai and I aim at his knee when it hits he screamed yet again.

Sakura: Yet again I have to ask huh where is the Akatsuki's hideout I have all day to throw kunais at you and watching you suffer so answer!
The: I only know that that it's somewhere outside the Hidden Rain village!
Sakura: Hmm.

I take two kunais and I aim one at his knee and the other at his shoulder when it hits he lead out a scream. I walk over to him and I grab his neck making him look at me. And I whisper.

Sakura: It was fun however you didn't give me enough information. So I won't give you this antidote or treat you wounds.

The man looked at me in horror and shock.

Sakura: Sleep will you.

I snap his neck killing him instantly. I stand up properly and I turn around and I leave I dictate to get rid of the evidence. When I get outside I jump on a tree near the house and I make hand signs.

Sakura: Fire style: Fireball jutsu!

I blow the fire directly at the house causing it to burn I wait for a couple of minutes and I make hand signs yet again.

Sakura: Water style: Water ball jutsu!

I spray the water on the burning house causing the fire to going out. I jump down and I walk back the way I came from. But when I start walking I see Sasuke and his team they stop in front off me and I suddenly sense two chakra I know these chakra... Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki.

Sasuke: An Anbu off leaf huh this could be fun.
Sakura: I'm not looking for a fight.
Suigetsu: Too bad.

Sasuke runs towards me with his katana swinging it at me I dodge his attack and I kick him in the stomach sending him flying.

Sakura: As I said I'm not looking for a fight maybe next time.

I make hand signs and I see the white haired man run towards me with Zabuza's sword. I speed up my hand signs and the Sakura pebbles appear and I disappear with them and when I do I continue with my way back to the village. But I wonder what did Itachi and Kisame want?

Itachi's pov
Me and Kisame finished our mission and we headed back to the hideout when I sense 5 chakra. I stop and I look around and Kisame turned around.

Kisame: What's the matter Itachi?
Itachi: I sense 5 chakra maybe we should check it out.
Kisame: Indeed it might be a jinchuuriki.

I activate my sharingan and I lead the way I finally spot the people and to my surprise it was Sasuke with his team I think and a leaf Anbu?!

Sasuke: An Anbu off the leaf huh this could be interesting.

I turn to Kisame.

Kisame: Well it looks like it's your little brother huh.

I turn back to Sasuke and the Anbu and I say.

Itachi: Yea and a Anbu.
Kisame: This could be interesting.

Sakura: I'm not looking for a fight.
Suigetsu: Too bad.

Sasuke runs towards the Anbu with his katana swinging it at the Anbu as I thought the Anbu dodged like it was nothing. The Anbu kicked Sasuke sending him flying back.

Sakura: As I said I'm not looking for a fight maybe next time.

As soon as she finished saying that one of Sasuke's teammates ran towards the Anbu with his sword the Anbu was was making hand signs and I read them with my sharingan it a jutsu to disappear. Then Sasuke's teammate was closer to the Anbu sped up their hand signs and as I expected they were disappearing but differently. They disappeared with Sakura pebbles all around them. I think to myself they must be strong when they took Sasuke down this easily. I turn to Kisame and I say.

Itachi: Let's get going.
Kisame: That was boring.

He jumped down from the tree when I jumped down Kisame started to run towards the hideout so I go after him and I think to myself that Anbu reminds me a little of me when I was in the Anbu.

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