So early in the morning and i already have an headache. The sun wasn't even out yet! And i still haven't had my coffee yet.

"How did you know all about this? Did hero tell you?!" I asked and her eyebrows furrowed.

"What? How come he'll tell me? Was he in the car shop too? Were you two together?" She asked confused and i almost took back what i said.

She didn't know?! If my cheeks already red then i don't even want to know what i look like right now!

My brain cells couldn't handle what is happening at the moment. I just wanted to know how she knew!

"N-No! He was with someone else. I went alone." I said and she looked at me suspiciously.

Judging by her reaction, it seems like she doesn't even know the woman! If that woman was really his wife then she would understand right away!

So he is single right now? I can feel a very weird sensation on the pit of my stomach that i don't want to name.

"This is just ridiculous Jo. You couldn't just wander off the streets alone. Something bad could have happened to you!" She said and i felt guilty.

"Im sorry. But how did you know anyway?" I asked confused and she shook her head disappointedly.

She lend me her phone instead of explaining and it was an article about what happened yesterday!

And it is also published by a famous news company! I was so embarrassed reading the article and there was even a video as proof.

I let out a groan and rubbed my eyes furiously to forget what i just read!

"What?! The words spread so fast! And i didn't even noticed someone was filming me!" I exclaimed already going crazy.

"This is the reason why i want you to be careful Josephine.  Wear your glasses when you go out!  You seriously just didn't forget that Paparazzis still exist right?" She said the word paparazzi like it was the most disgusting thing in the world.

This is what i didn't thought about that much before going in for my plans! I didn't even know that people still cared about me! And now ill wave to my private life good bye.

"Okay i promise. For real this time Jamie. Ill be more careful." I said like i was swearing it to the man above and she took it dismissing the argument.

"By the way you are not doing your shoots alone today." She announced out of no where and i almost tripped my steaming coffee into my lap!

"What with whom?!" I asked. I wasn't ready for this news!

There was a thought that came into my mind and I'm suddenly terrified. It is possible but I aint thinking deep about it.

"Someone you didn't know. Claude Simonon. They were planning a late summer photo shoot for the both of you. So it'll take place on a beach." She said like it was no big deal.

It was my first shoot and I'm already doing it with someone! And not to mention a steamy one.

I wasn't new with it. I already did a lot of steamy photoshoot for After. And it was with Hero!

"And you are just saying this to me now." I said glaring at my smirking manager.

"Steamy Photoshoots are fun Josephine.  Especially with a very hot model. You'll do great." She winked at me and I'm not even going to comment on how she said that dirtily!

I was already done with my breakfast and i can already see the sun starting to shine from the outside.

Almost half an hour already passed and we are still sitting on this chair in complete silence. I turned my eyes on Jamie who is busy messaging someone on her phone.

"Uhm. Aren't we going yet?" I asked her confused and a teasing laugh came out of her lips.

"Why? Are you excited?" She said with a smirk and she laughed at my now sizzling cheeks.

I must be looking like a damn apple for the past hours now! Hopefully nobody took a picture.

"Stop! You always think about the dirtiest things. Its really bothering me!" I groaned looking away and still furiously blushing.

"Calm your ovaries down, Josephine.We are just waiting for Hero. Who is absolutely taking his precious time! I swear it was either you or him." She said looking down her phone not even noticing how shocked i looked.

And even the mention of his name gives me the sweats! I knew this was coming but i am not prepared. I don't think i will ever just get use to him!

And why are we waiting for him? Is he watching me shoot again? He is not actually serious.

"Actually you know what, We are just leaving him. He is a big boy. Amanda can accompany him!" She said standing up and i just stare at her like a lost little puppy.

Who the fuck is Amanda? Suddenly i want to tell her for us to just wait for him instead.

And why do i even care? I shook my head and just followed Jamie still dazed after the non stop bombs her little mouth keeps saying.

I swear this woman will say things that can make you lose your mind! Like giving you a complicated math question that she didn't even discussed!

Jamie explained to me as soon as we reached her car that we will not pass by Storm's usual building and instead we will go straight to the address where the shoot is going to take place.

She also mentioned that the beach is far away and it would take us almost 4 hours to get there! Its truly a blessing that i woke up early this morning.

Her phone rang in the middle of her explaining and i let out a sigh of relief. Finally the ambulance stopped.

"Where the fuck are you?" She asked angrily like a mother waiting for her child to be home.

I just quietly opened my phone and searched the man that i have to work with. Its better to see first so i wont be surprised.

My jaw literally dropped when a man with an angel face and has the body of an incubus showed up right through my eyes.

I gulped repeatedly as i checked his pictures.This man has a body and a face that can seduce any woman! He almost looks like a porn star!

"Camber Sands." I heard Jamie says to someone on the phone.

I just shrugged the thought of my mind and turned my phone off. I kept forgetting that i have to remain professional. The man is hot but I'm not thirsty for him!

"Okay. Me and Josephine are going to the beach right now. Message me when you're done." She said in finality before ending the call.

My eyebrows furrowed. Who was she talking to? Must been her husband.

Throughout half of the ride Jamie never shuts up and before knew it i fell asleep in the middle of her rants. Not caring that I'll get killed the next time i wake up.

 Herophine | AeipathyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora