A wonderful surprise

Start from the beginning

Dr.Kane:" Okay, it also says that you broke your hand at age eight; is that true?"

Leone:" Yes, that is correct."

Dr.Kane:" Okay, let's start with the examination. Have you been feeling nauseous or tired?"

Leone:" Yes, both of those things."

Dr.Kane:" Have you been feeling extremely hot or cold."

Leone:" No."

Dr.Kane:" Any lower back pains?"

Leone:" Rarely."

Dr.Kane:" Any food cravings?"

Leone:" No, not really."

Dr.Kane:" Freqent urdge to pee?"

Leone:" Sometimes."

Dr.Kane:" Dizzyniss?"

Leone:" A bit."

Dr.Kane:" Do you have any allergies?"

Leone:" Only to cerian types of medicine."

Dr.Kane:" Well, I'm afraid I am not quite sure of what you have, but from what I can tell, it is nothing terrible."

Leone:" Okay..."

Akame and I left the office, but I couldn't get the thought of being sick out of my head.

Akame:" Well, darn, that didn't help."

Leone:" Well, what could it be..."

I thought about what the doctor was asking me, and then it popped into my head.

Leone:" Akame, could we stop by the store on our way back to shade."

Akame:" Sure, but why."

I need need to investigate a hunch of mine.

Y/n P.O.V~

I had finished putting the groceries away in Leone and I's dorm. I was worried about my wife. I hope that she didn't have anything severe. The door to my dorm was then opened, and Leone stepped threw. A mix of happiness and worry on her face.

Y/n:" Hey, Leone, welcome home."

Leone sat on our bed and placed her hands on her forehead. I sat on the bed with my wife and hugged her.

Y/n:" Leone, did you find out what the bug you have is?"

Leone looked down in worry and pulled out a blue stick and handed it to me. I realized that it was a pregnancy test called "womb there it is".

Leone:" One line fore for negative and two for positive."

I looked and saw that it was two lines my wife was pregnant.

Y/n:" You're pregnant..."

Leone nodded shyly. I then took Leone in my arms and hugged her.

Y/n:" This is wonderful!"

Leone:" You're not mad?"

Y/n:" No, why would I be. My wife is pregnant! I'm so happy!"

Leone and I rejoiced in happiness as I placed my hand on my wife's stomach. Don't worry, my child; I am going to do my best to make your life long, happy, and beautiful. Leone and I kiss in happiness, ready to start this new chapter in our lives.

























































??? P.O.V~

I was sitting on a tree branch watching Tai and Yang work on Yang learning how to use her new robotic arm.

Tai:" Good job Yang. You should be able to get your rematch with that hoar in no time!"

Yang smiled and pumped her fist in the air while rejoicing that she could finally get rid of the lion bitch. I knew what Tai was planing. I snuck away from the sight in my other form and looked for the man I needed to warn. I saw Leone and Yang's fight on youtube and looked for the man whom Yang called her lover. I had changed back into my human form and was walking around searching that H/c haired cat faunus. I then found him and two other people eating at a pizza parlor. I walked in and attempted to introduce myself.

???:" Hi, are you Y/n belladonna?"

Y/n:" Yeah, I am; why who are you?"

Qrow:" My name is Qrow Branwen and I need to give you a warning."

A dark-haired cat faunus spoke up with worry in her voice.

???:" Why what does my little brother have to be warned about?"

Qrow:" Y/n... your ex and my niece Yang is still inc vacuo, and from what I know, she wants a rematch with your wife."

Y/n looked down in worry as tears leaked from his eyes.

Y/n:" Why... why couldn't she just stay away..."

Abusive Yang x abused male belladonna reader x LeoneWhere stories live. Discover now