Chapter 12

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"Oh shut up"

Alison rolled over in her bed, practically suffocating herself in the fluffy duvet, in attempt to block out the maddening ring tone of her phone. Finally after the third time letting it go to voice mail, Alison groaned loudly and reached out for the device.

"What?" She spat viciously.

"Oh..." the voice paused, furthering Alison's annoyance, she parted her lips to the speak again but the other end cut her off. "Is this Alison?"

The blonde crinkled her eyes brows in confusion "Yes. Who is this?"

The women cleared her throat. Alison could tell she was on edge by the tone of her voice. "Hi. Yeah this is Hanna. I was wondering if you've heard anything from Emily." Her voice trembled

The hairs on the back of her neck stood as she listened to her co workers concerned tone of voice. "What's wron—"

"I've been trying to reach her and Samara but no one is answering. Samara texted me saying she was taking Emily to the hospital, but I have no idea why and I'm freaking out. I know you hate me, and I've been a bitch to you but this is about Emily, I know you guys are close so please" her voice desperate "do you know anything?"

Alison shot up in bed gasping at the new found information. Emily's in the hospital? Her heart raced in her chest at the thought of anything happening to the brunette. A million different scenarios ran through her head, and it was worse because Hanna clearly had no idea what was going on so she was internally freaking even more.

"The hospital? Wha—" she manages to get out. She could hear Hanna sigh disappointedly. Alison couldn't help it, the slew of questions finally being released from its quarters. "Is she okay? What's wrong? Is she si—"

"I don't know dipshit!" Hanna shouted into the phone "did you not listen to a word I just said? I'm trying to find out what's happening with my best friend"

Alison gulped nervously, kicking the blankets off her body, frantically picking up any loose article of clothing and throwing it on hastily. "Ok ok, I'm sorry I'm just worried about her. I had no idea this was happening, we haven't talked" she responded mumbling the last part.

"Oh you mean since your jealous temper tantrum?" Alison could hear the roll of her eyes. Her mouth gaped.

"I was not jea—"

"Um...yes the fuck you were bitch" Hanna interrupts crudely. "I mean, I don't blame you, Emily's hot, really hot, if I didn't have a boyfriend I'd totally be hitting that"

Alison's skin boiled at Hanna's words. She grit her teeth willing herself not to snap back at the girl for talking about Emily like that. That all went to shit when her anger got the best of her. "What is wrong with you? Your best friend is in the fucking hospital and you're talking about screwing her?" Alison's scoffed before adding " you're disgusting"

A loud obnoxious laugh filled her ears, Alison had to pull the device from her canal for a moment "oh god you're easy to piss off." Hanna pauses "But see! You're jealous That just totally proved my point. Thanks for that by the way, it cheered me up. Now back to my possibly hospitalized best friend, do you have any information worth sharing?"

Alison fumed, fed up with the conversation that the blonde was prolonging purposely "I don't know anything hanna" she says "I haven't talked to her since, just like I said a second ago"

"You're so pleasant" Hanna quips "Well I'm going to the hospital right now" the blondes voice then softens with the following words "it would mean a lot to her if you were there, she misses you" then the line went dead.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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