Chapter 10

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Her bed was comfortable. Not as expensive and fluffy as the one she owned growing up, but it did the job. Alison always let out a sigh of relief each time her head hit her pillow at the days end. It was only a simple Queen. It was perfect for the blonde, since she was a messy sleepier. Sideways, diagonal, spider, bed hog, you name it, Alison was all of the above.

She didn't enjoy sharing beds with people. When she'd had one night stands with guys in the past she either kick them out, or leave their place as soon as it was over. It wasn't anything special. No. It was actually gross. Men disgusted her. Growing up her friends would always gush about the handsomeness of a man's face, or abs, or veins. Gross. I still don't understand how the fuck they were attracted to that.

They'd talk about the sparks that they felt when kissing them, or how their chests would pound. Alison never experienced that feeling. She desperately wanted to, not that she'd ever admit that. The blonde wanted to feel the sparks, the butterflies. All of it. They never came though.

Only when she would catch herself zoning about, Hazel Mackinaw, Kassidy Sawyer, or Emily Fields. She Felt her face heat up, shivers run down her spine. Alison had the hugest crush on Hazel Mackinaw, a girl in her ap history class. She never acted it on. Too afraid to lose her popularity and reputation. She was the it girl at Rosewood high, and she'd never let anything get in the way of that.

Alison had always known she was attracted to women. Though she kept it buried very deep down. She was afraid of her parents reaction, her classmates hatred, but mostly, she was afraid of herself. It disgusted her that she felt the foreign attraction, the blonde didn't want to be different. Being different in a small town like Rosewood, wouldn't get you anywhere.

She'd wanted to experiment in college, but she couldn't psych herself up for it. So Alison settled for non pleasurable sex with men. Most times she'd stay silent, her facial expressions stilled.

Her bed was comfortable. So were her blankets and pillows. But the one thing that would make it whole, the one women that would cause it to be sleep worthy was Emily Fields.

She smiled to herself

Alison reaches for her phone the second she hears it go off. She glues the device against her ear, her face already beginning to heat up as she awaited her favorite voice.

"Wake up sleepy head, I'm out side your loft"

Alison's eyes widened in panic. She hoped out of bed and sprinted over to her window, her heart dropping as her eyes land on Emily. "Bu—but I just woke up"

Alison could practically hear Emily's eye roll "Alison, you've puked on me, I think we're passed the part of being embarrassed with each other"

Alison blushes even more hearing that.

"Okay I'll be down in a sec" she then hangs up the phone, and feverishly slips on a pair of sweats, then slips on a hoody. The blonde combs her fingers through her knotted locks as she makes her way down the stairs.
She takes a deep breath, then opens the door.

Emily greets her with a beaming smile. She holds out a coffee cup in front of Alison. "I got your favorite! Caramel mocha, extra ice, and whipped cream on top"

The blonde feels her heart melt at the gesture. She resists the urge to place her hand over her chest. Instead, she took the offered coffee from Emily's hand thanking her, then stepping aside to let the brunette in.

Emily throws her keys on the marble counter top, kicks her shoes off and tossed her coat over one of the island chairs. Before sitting down she reaches into her purse digging for something. Once she finds it she holds out a packaged portable charger.

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