Chapter 7

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Alison stood in front of the door, her hand resting on the knob awaiting the brunette to step out of her car. Alison had darted down her stairs, grasped the railing Poll and flung her body around it like she did when she was a kid, as soon as she heard a car pull up.

She smoothed her hands down the wrinkles in her blazer inhaling a deep breath before wrenching the door open. A fake smile plastered on her face.

Her eyes instantly found Emily's brown ones. The tall brunette guided the way to the front door, her mother in tow. Emily greets her with a smile. "Alison"


Suddenly Emily's pushed out of the way and Alison is pulled into a bone crushing hug. She widens her eyes silently begging Emily for help, the brunette only shakes her head, the corner of her lips curved up in a smile.

"Oh Alison you're all grown up!" Pam gushes, pulling back from the hug "I remember when you were so tiny, running around with Emily in the backyard" The elder brunettes eyes sparkling.

Alison opened her mouth to speak but her mother best her to it. "Pam Fields, you haven't aged a day"

The two mothers hugged instantly then pulled back and began blabbering on about who knows what, leaving their daughters alone in the foyer.

Emily leans her arm against the doors frame, her infamous smirk playing on her lips. "You gonna let me in or?"

Alison rolls her eyes as she steps aside to let the taller women in.

"You know one of these times you're going to roll your eyes and they'll get stuck" Emily says, her eyes trailing over the familiar area "And I'm going to have laugh, because you know com—"

"Comedy is subjective" Alison interjects "I know"

Alison watches as her eyes twinkle. They still did that even after all these years. Alison was glad, she always loved Emily's eyes. There was something about them that always made her feel safe, like nothing could hurt her, nothing had the ability to cause her pain. And they were still like that. Alison could feel the pace of her heart speed up.

"That's my line" she manages to say. She was still kinda of shocked that Alison remembered. She glances down at her feet, she could feel the heat rushing to her cheeks, then glanced through hooded eyes; "You remembered"

Alison laughed it off and motioned for Emily to follower her into the formal living room "Its not that big a deal"

Emily internally flinched at the blondes response "Right" she shook her head "Of course, just stupid kid stuff"

Alison noticed the light dwindle from Emily's eyes, her heart deflated for a moment. But she shook off those feelings and begin telling Emily about her week.


"Emily was always dirty when she was little" Pam says incredulously "I was so happy once she grew out of that"

Alison laughed seeing Emily blush at her mother's words. "I liked being outside mom" she defends

"Oh sweetie I know—but you ruined so many pairs of jeans with grass stains" Pam's eyes filled with horror

Jessica shakes her head amused "I got lucky with this one" she points at her daughter "Not a speck of dirt on her, or her dozens of princes dresses"

Alison desperately wants to ask her mother how she knew that? The elder DiLaurentis wasn't around to see the dirt or food that covered her dresses, no. Because she never washed them. Or even knew what they looked like. She just handed the money to her assistances and they would buy it for Alison.

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